Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Session Plans

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Jeremy Williams

Profile Summary

Jeremy Williams
Name: Jeremy Williams
City: Palo Alto, CA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Plan for the Clinic

4:30 PM to 4:45 PM--Group Warm-up Juggling, dribbling etc.

4:45 PM to 5:10 PM--Time Slot #1 (25 mins)

5:10 PM to 5:15 PM--Rotation/water break

5:15 PM to 5:40 PM--Time Slot #2 (25 mins)

5:40 PM to 5:45 PM--Rotation/water break

5:45 PM to 6:10 PM--Time Slot #3 (25 min)

6:10 PM to 6:15 PM Water Break

6:15 PM to 6:30 PM Q & A and Autographs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cole Part 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cole Part 1
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Cole Part 1 (10 mins)


Player divided into two teams as shown


1. Teams start on the post with one player on each cone as shown.

2. The first player in line (player A) passes to player B on the first cone they then follow their pass, the player must recieve the ball turn and pass to Player C on the the shooting cone, and then follow their pass.

3. Player C shoots on goal and continues back to their line.

4. Players shoot with their left foot on the right side of the goal and their right foot on the left side of the goal.

Coaching Points:

1) Judging speed/ direction of ball to get into the correct position to strike with chosen surface

2) Observation of GK to decide which surface/technique is the best option.

3) Ankle locked

4) Toe down

5) Ball out of feet with first touch

6) Kicking foot next to ball

7) Strike with the knuckle of your foot

8) Striking ball just off center

9) Quality of passing (receiving with correct foot)

10) Quick rotation


See next page--Shooter becomes GK against opposing player

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cole Part 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cole Part 2
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Cole Part 2 (15 mins)


Player divided into two teams as shown


1. Teams start on the post with one player on each cone as shown.

2. The first player in line (player A) passes to player B on the first cone they then follow their pass, the player must recieve the ball turn and pass to Player C on the the shooting cone, and then follow their pass.

3. Player C shoots on goal and continues back to their line.

4. Players shoot with their left foot on the right side of the goal and their right foot on the left side of the goal.

Coaching Points:

1) Judging speed/ direction of ball to get into the correct position to strike with chosen surface

2) Observation of position of GK, are they recovering, can you simply pass it to the far post?

3) Ankle locked

4) Toe down

5) Ball out of feet with first touch

6) Kicking foot next to ball

7) Strike with the knuckle of your foot

8) Striking ball just off center

9) Quality of passing (receiving with correct foot)

10) Quick rotation


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Josh Part 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Josh Part 1
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Josh Part 1 (10 mins)


Players in groups of 3

1 ball per group

Turning zone in middle


Players dribble out to turning zone and perform 2 turns designated by the coach before passing to the next player and rotating positions. That player then repeats action.

Coaching Points:

Small 'messi' touches when dribble

head up

speed of execution

how 'realistic' is the turn? sell trun as a strike/pass etc.

Eye contact/connection with next player before make pass


Make it a race between groups

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Josh Part 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Josh Part 2
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Josh Part 2 (15 mins)


(2) 20 x 30 yard fields with two pug goals set up as shown, players divided into 4 teams


Defenders line, yellow, pass the ball to the attackers who upon first touch must try to score on either goal.

Coaching Points:

1. Attack the defender at speed

2.Control of the ball

3.Turning technique being used

4.Turn away from the defender protecting the ball

5.Accelerate away quickly


R-Defender cannot leave until after the attacker takes the first touch.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Roberto Part 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Roberto Part 1
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Roberto Part 1 (25 mins)


-Area set up as Shown

-Same teams

-All the balls start on the right side of the attaking teams field (starting point of balls switch sides halfway through)


• First player in line starts the game, by dribbling into the area, as soon as the red team players (A and B) enter the field, the white team players (C and D) can step out and defend.

• Players then play 2v2 inside the area, until a goal is scored or a ball crosses either endline

• Any time the ball crosses an endline the team defedning that endline is out

• The next two player in that line start with the ball and play contiues

• for example if the white team (players A&B) takes a shot and it either goes in the goal or crosses the end line, then both players C and D are out and the next two players in line for the red team are on, and they start with the ball

• At that point players A and B from the white team become Defenders playing against players E and F attack.

Coaching Points:

1) Positive touch out of feet

2) Approach ball at an angle

3) Decision on when to shoot, and Why?

4) Head up, observe target

5) Can the next two players in line take advantage of the opposing team being out of shape.

4) Pick spot then eyes return to the ball

5) Contact center of ball


P-full time GK

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Roberto Part 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Roberto Part 2
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Roberto Part 2 (25 mins)


-Area set up as Shown

-Same teams

-All the balls start on the right side of the attaking teams field (starting point of balls switch sides halfway through)


Same game as before but now, if a player shoots and misses, they must touch either post of the goal they were attacking before helping thier teamate to defend.

Coaching Points:

1) Positive touch out of feet

2) Approach ball at an angle

3) Decision on when to shoot, and Why?

4) Head up, observe target

5) Can the next two players in line take advantage of the opposing team being out of shape.

4) Pick spot then eyes return to the ball

5) Contact center of ball


P-full time GK

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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