Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defensive Block Back 4

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Mark Sellon
Name: Mark Sellon
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defensive Block Back 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defensive Block Back 4
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Defensive Block Back 4 (20 mins)

Session Topic: Defensive Principles

Defensive block numbers up scrimmage

Stage: Stage 3

Set Up:

2/3 of 11v11 or 9v9 field (Scale to age and level of play), Balls, Bibs, Cones


15 - 20 mins (30 second work to 1 minute rest)


Red(Defensive team) is set up in their defensive block with numbers down (#2, 3, 4, 5, (6 or 8)). Blue(Attacking team) is set up to have numbers up (#9, 10, 7, 11, and 8). However, they have two defensive players in the blue zone that can be used to switch the field but cannot leave that zone. The attacking team will look to go against the big goal while the defending team will have two pug goals on the outside to counter to. Play will start from the target players in the blue zone.

Coaching Points:

Pressure and Cover principles (when to step and when to drop)

Anticipation (Reading offensive cues on where the ball is going)

Shape (Staying compact)

Marking (When to mark and when to pass off a mark to a teammate)

Pressure (When pressuring the ball it is immediate but in control. Take an angle that channels the ball to where the defense wants it to go)

Communication (Eye contact, Verbal, Hand Signals) *BE SPECIFIC* Communication is key when playing with numbers down

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