Anthony Houlahan
Name: | Anthony Houlahan |
City: | Singapore |
Country: | Singapore |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Organisation (Practice Layout & Transition)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Start to get touches on the ball
Social: build teamwork and communication
Warm players decision making skills
Warm-up body for more intensive physical activity
Get endorphins flowing
Set up:
12 x 12 square with up to 2 - 4 players at each corner.
7 Balls are placed in the middle.
First player of each group starts sprint into middle and dribbles a ball back to their
corner; next player goes to the middle and take another ball until all the balls in the middle are
gone. Once that happens then the player can “steal” a ball. Players work in a relay changing when one player brings a ball back to their corner.
First team with 3 balls in their corner wins the game.
No protecting the ball in the corner,
no tackling and
the ball must be stopped still in the corner, not passed so it rolls.
COACH’S TIP: Try and match the teams evenly
PLAYER TIP: Good Decision making requires that you keep your eyes up to see where your best
options just like in a match. Players help team mates by communicating.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Introduce and build proficiency with dribbling mechanics (see below)
Get players minds switched on by making simple decisions
Players dribble from corner (red) cone to centre (orange) cone.
At the centre cone, execute a change of direction and accelerate to a side (blue) cone of their choice.
At the side (blue) cone, they change direction again and accelerate to the nearest corner. Encourage players to join the corner with the least number of players.
As soon as player 1 approaches the centre cone, player 2 starts and so on.
All 4 groups work at the same time.
All players work continuously until told to stop (e.g. to clarify instructions, explain progressions, or intervene to coach mechanics).
Inform players to keep eyes up to avoid other players. “If you collide, does it matter?”
Note: there is a risk that it gets congested in the centre of the drill. Be prepared to regress if needed by reducing the number of players who are working at the same time but only do this if absolutely necessary as it reduces repetitions for players.
Progression 1: Players must use their right foot only alternating between inside and outside; COD: feint left, take right.
Progression 2: Left foot only, COD: feint right, take left.
Progression 3:
Dribble: R: outside push; inside cut; L - outside push, inside cut
Centre COD: scissors
Side COD: hook turn
Progression 4: as 3 but change the side cone they go to (from left to right)
Keep ball close (say: “take loads of touches”)
Vary surfaces of foot (“say “use inside and outside of foot”)
Head Up (say” eyes up as you gets close to centre cone”, “eyes up to avoid other players”)
Change of pace (e.g. after COD at centre cone, accelerate to side cone, say “use laces”)
Change of direction
How many touches can a player get as he travels from corner cone to centre cone
How fast can a player return from the centre cone to a corner.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Split groups by ability based on observations on technical drill.
Lower ability group starts on progression 0; higher ability starts on progression 1.
Action (progression 0):
Defender starts with ball, passes to attacker, follows pass and attempts to win ball from attacker
Attacker to use dribbling mechanics to dribble over a side line next to defenders' starting cone.
Attackers and defenders change roles after every repetition.
Introduce progressions only if the success rate is 80%+.
Progressions / challenges: progress only if players are getting 80%+ success
put goals (using yellow cones under centre orange cone) on side lines (4 metres wide)
reduce size of goals on side lines to 2 metres side
place a ball on cone behind defender for attacker to hit with his ball
1 point to score a goal; i.e. cross side line (prog 0); score goal between cones (prog 1 and 2)
3 points if knock ball off cone (progression 3)
Pick a player from each team to keep score
Coach the mechanics of dribbling :
Keep ball close (say: “take loads of touches”)
Vary surfaces of foot (“say “use inside and outside of foot”)
Head Up (say” eyes up as opponent gets close)
Change of pace (e.g. after COD accelerate to side goal)
Change of direction (say: "use feints, scissors and other moves to enable COD")
Regressions: (if success rate is less than 50%)
Defender to wait on cone (not follow pass) until attacker receives the ball before putting pressure on attacker
Defender only allowed to walk
If a player in the high ability group is struggling, consider moving him / her to the other group. And vice versa.
Learning outcomes
Dribbling mechanics
Decision making: when to go left or go right
Set up defender - drag him toward a side gate before executing a skill, change of direction and accelerate away to go to another side gate or hit the ball on the cone.
Risk reward when to go left / right or for the ball (3 points)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Keep group split into 2 by ability. 2 groups of 6. 2 teams of 3 per group.
2 areas of 18 x 18 metres. 2 goals per end. Set roughly 1 metre in from side line.
Scoring zone (marked by blue cones) 1.5 metres from goal line.
Action: normal football rules apply. Encourage players to dribble and take advantage of 1 v 1 situations close to scoring zone to beat opponent and score.
Coach mechanics:
Keep ball close (say: “take loads of touches”)
Vary surfaces of foot (“say “use inside and outside of foot”)
Head Up (say” eyes up as you opponent gets close”)
Change of pace (e.g. after COD at centre cone, accelerate to side cone, say “use laces”)
Change of direction (say "use feints, scissors and other moves to beat a player)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
2 teams of 6 players
36 x 18 metres. 4 goals per end. 2 in central area around 2 metres apart and 1 at each end set roughly 1 metre in from side line.
Scoring zone (marked by blue cones) 1.5 metres from goal line.
Action: normal football rules apply. Encourage players to dribble and take advantage of 1 v 1 situations close to scoring zone to beat opponent and score.
Coach mechanics:
Keep ball close (say: “take loads of touches”)
Vary surfaces of foot (“say “use inside and outside of foot”)
Head Up (say” eyes up as you opponent gets close”)
Change of pace (e.g. after COD at centre cone, accelerate to side cone, say “use laces”)
Change of direction (say "use feints, scissors and other moves to beat a player)
If we don't have goals, place a ball on top of a cone.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Optional. Only use if you want ( or the players want ) to play a game with goal keepers. 6 v 6 + keepers with normal football rules. Promote decisions on when to dribble and when to combine. Encourage dribbling as often as possible.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Set up
Note: Set up 2 areas as above.
Note, keep 8 yellow cones under the centre (orange) cone in one of the areas only to use for goals in the skill session.
Overview of practice:
warm-up / arrival game (optional)
technical dribbling
skill - 1 v 1
small group play
small sided games
end game
Cones as above
One ball per player
8 bibs of a single colour
8 small goals (use balls on cones if goals not available)
2 large goals set back 2 metres from end of pitch for safety until needed for end-game