Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Athletics - Sprinting /Relay

Profile Summary

Waheed Ramzan
Name: Waheed Ramzan
City: Oxford
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Running for speed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Running for speed
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Running for speed


- Correct sprinting technique

Material Needed

- Cones

- Relay Battons

Set Up

- Mark a line of 20m

- Children organize in pairs,

- Children take turns to be the starter and runner

- Children will have at least 3 goes in each of the roles

Coaching Points

Encourage children to:

- Remain completely still in the starting position

- Listen carefully for the “G” of “Go” and not to guess

- Keep low and drive the arms as they come up out

of the starting position

- Short or Big steps?

- Arms position

- Cone of vision

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relays

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relays
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Set Up

- In fours children set up simple relay changeover stations using four markers or

cones placed in a line. Cones 1 to 2 should be approximately 5 metres apart.

Cones 2 to 3 should be approximately 2 – 3 metres apart.

Cones 3 to 4 should be approximately 5 metres apart.

- Groups can make their own race, as long as the changeover stations are with the right dimensions.


- Groups can start racing against eachother

Coaching Points

- Body movement same as sprinting,

- Where to hold the battom,

- If Student A is holding the battom on the right hand, should give it to left hand of Student B.

- If Student A is holding the battom on the left hand, should give it to right hand of Student B.

- Start moving before the income runner reaches you

- Should encourage Students practise using both hands to pass and receive

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