Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): working with a partner to create space

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Stuart Wood

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Stuart Wood
Name: Stuart Wood
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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using a 2nd player to create space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (15 mins)

goal keeper (blaze pod lights)

light drill. 2 side lights and 2 forward lights on the cones

side light, keeper shuffle to the side turns off the light and quickly moves across the goal. keep can't dive unless half way across the goal.

front cones. keeper touches the light. feeder throws high above the keeper head for a tip over or a catch if possible.


player rondo 

blue players complete 4 passes then pass to an outside player who passes firmly and accurately back to one of the blue players. the outside player then tries to tackle the blue players and win the ball. the blue players try to complete 4 passes and then pass to another red player to start again with them returning the ball to a blue player and then becoming the red defending player, the red player initially in the middle returning to their outside space. if the red player wins the ball they use the rest of the red players to try to complete 8 passes. If the blues players win the ball the red player returns to their start position. The blues start the four passes again but this time choose a different red player.

when all red players have been used 2 different players from the red outside ring become the 2 inside blue players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Animation 2
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Animation 2 (15 mins)

player 1 starts with the ball, they pass to player 2 to the left of the pole moving forward the right of the pole. player 2 plays the ball back to player 1. player 2 rolls their run around the pole moving to the right of it nearer the goal. player 1 returns the pass and moves to the left of player 2 central to the goal. player 2 lays the ball across for 1 to finish 1st time. 

player 2 gets the ball and takes the position of player 3. player 1 then takes the starting place of player 2 and player 3 starts with the ball in players 1's starting position. 


feeder plays the ball to player A and player A returns to the feeder. 

player A rolls the mannequin and the feeder lays the ball in between the mannequins to player A

player B makes a run to the right  side of  the mannequin behind and player A plays the ball across for player B to finish.

the keeper moves to cover in the correct position at all times.


the keeper can throw or kick the ball to the feeder to start the drill.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3 (30 mins)

goal keeper starts with the ball, the pass long either to the centre forward or to the right or left midfielder.

centre forward lays back to the attacking central midfielder

all defenders pushing forward together in a line with the 2 full backs slightly closer to the centre backs

the attacking midfielder with the ball tries to find a forward run. the centre forward turns and makes a run in between the 2 centre defenders. The deeper lying centre midfielder makes a run to the opposite side of one of the centre backs. 

the right and left midfielders make a run inside the opposition full backs.

If the ball is passed out by the keeper to the wide midfielders they lay the ball back to the full back behind them. all the attacking player make the same run other than the holding and attacking midfielder, with the attacking midfielder making the forward run and the full back with the ball trying to find a forward run.

the defence this time push forward as a 3 in a line with the passing full back in front.

the defence sliding across towards the full back who is passing the ball, all in a line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4 (25 mins)

goal keeper starts with the ball, the pass long either to the centre forward or to the right or left midfielder.

centre forward lays back to the attacking central midfielder

all defenders pushing forward together in a line with the 2 full backs slightly closer to the centre backs

the attacking midfielder with the balls tries to find a forward run. the centre forward turns and makes a run in between the 2 centre defenders. The deeper lying centre midfielder makes a run to the opposite side of one of the centre backs. 

the right and left midfielders make a run inside the opposition full backs.

If the ball is passed out by the keeper to the wide midfielders they lay the ball back to the full back behind them. all the attacking player make the same run other than the holding and attacking midfielder, with the attacking midfielder making the forward run and the full back with the ball trying to find a forward run.

the defence this time push forward as a 3 in a line with the passing full back in front.

the defence sliding across towards the full back passing the ball in a line.

the keeper shouting to the defence to move up and slide across calling the correct side the defence should move to



this time after the ball is layed back, the game continues as a normal match.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button