Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Alicence Assessment 4-4-2v 4-4-2 Defending zone 14 in mid block and low block. (Start Time: 2017-03-17 14:30:00)

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Anthony Williams

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Anthony Williams
Name: Anthony Williams
City: Maesteg
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Use pitch geography, Distances, defensive balance and reference points.

Effect all players. Detailed on player close to the ball, then players around ball, finally players away from the ball.

Manage opposition to create problems to solve, playing through over and around.

Finally look at transitions, both Attacking to defending and defending to attacking.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Organisation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Organisation
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4-4-2 v 4-4-2 Reds with Goalkeeper Blues with server in zone

If reds win ball, can they find server stood in shaded area within 15 seconds(or shoot in 11v11)

Starting positions (In first 20 mins)

1 Server starts prectice playing to Blue centre backs.

2 Red Goalkeeper starts practice kicking long to Blue defenders.


Blues will be encouraged to play 3 ways.

Firstly try to play through central areas,

Then try playing around Reds

Finally, look to play over.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a Mid Block

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a Mid Block
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Defending in a Mid Block (10 mins)


Blues look to play through central areas

Server to play ball to centre back

Reds are playing a mid block, not pressurizing the ball until play enters zoned area, as shown on pracitice

Reds given information to show Blues outside all over the pitch.

Duration 8-10 mins

Look to build in blocks

(Individual details first) No9 and No10 work as pair, Showing outside once defender enters shaded area, Angle of run body position, stopping switch, triggers and distances away from ball will all be addressed. Then move partner, dropping deeper, filling space infront of midfielders, dropping near deepest midfielder stopping ball into player. In a position ready to move forward if ball is switched, both players look to keep a distance of between 12-18 yards.

Next block

Midfield unit. (4 players across middle)

Wide player closest to ball, if pass goes to full back, show outside and not allowing ball into strikers feet, angle of approach. Central midfielders, nearest player comes across, in position to cut off passing lane to nearest striker and also in position to close down opposition midfielder. (roughly between edge of 18 yard box and 6 yard box.) Midfield partner deeper than partner, filling central area, stopping ball into second striker (roughly between lines of 6 yard box) And in position to affect his opposite number if ball gets played. Opposite wide player, Look at distances to come across making pitch smaller, pitch geography of looking to get in area around corner of 6 yard box to edge of 18 yard depending on how wide the ball is. In a position to affect pass into furthest midfielder, getting goal side of where ball is. and also in a position to get close to left back if ball is switch.

Next Block

Back 4 unit

Full back Closest to ball, Show outside, body angle, cant make it easy to get to line and cross ball. Distances away from player so can try and stop cross.

Centre back nearest ball, be in a position ball side of first striker and also in a position to releaseif attacker gets past full back. Furthest centre back comes across between strikers, in front of second striker, (roughly between width of 6 yard box, protecting goal) Slightly deeper than partner and in a position to play off side if attacker makes a run too early. Also needs to keep an open body position so attacker can be seen.

Opposite full back should be in a position to cover furthest centre back, in line or slightly infront of furthest centre back so he doesnt play everyone on side. His pitch geography is between centre of the goal and edge of 6 yard box, Open body position so can be aware of opposite wide player making run into box.

Make sure this is explained if the ball is on either side of the pitch

Walk through to show this.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a low block

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a low block
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Defending in a low block (10 mins)


Red goalkeeper plays long to either Blue centre backs or server in zoned area

Red drop into low block (As shown on practice)

Duration 8-10 mins

Use pitch geography, Distances.and reference points. Examples. Midfield pair look to maintain a distance of between 12-14 yards, If 4-6 yards apart then probably in an incorrect position. Also cutting passing lane off into strikers and defensive balance.

Wide players closing down look at lines on pitch as referal, show attacker outside, not letting them bring ball inside within width of the 18 yard box. Opposite wide player and full back look to be in position between centre of pitch and the edge of 6 yard box.

Effect all players. Detailed on player close to the ball, then players around ball, finally players away from the ball , Look at pitch geography for players and defensive balance.

Manage opposition to create problems to solve, play around

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11 v 11

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11 v 11
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11 v 11 (25 mins)



Details of what is asked of both teams and progressions.

Blues, encourage to play long in behind, Not everytime.(first 10-12 mins)

Blues play what they see, whether through central, around or over. (10-12 mins)

Reds start with mid block first 10-12 mins)

Reds drop to a low block (10-12 mins)

Reds still have 15 seconds to score or lose possession.

Look at Reds distances from goal, including goalkeepers starting position.

Points to include

Coach the what ifs.

When play gets into central areas, or one player has took up a wrong position, how can players adapt to counter this.

Recreate the situation acurately.

Get players to move back into positions that were exactly as seen when whistle blows.

Keep messages consistant throughout

As a team we are going to show opposition outside all over the pitch

Transitions from defending to attacking

Roles and responsibilities of each player. Defensive and offensive balance

Take play back to the pass before identifying problem . This will be the trigger of when to move, who moves and why they move.

Players understand how system becomes flexible, Striker dropping becomes 4-4-1-1.

Midfield pair dropping creates 4-2-3-1 Etc

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