Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 9.28 Defending (strength): 1v2 / Double Down /

Profile Summary

Fabrice Gautrat
Name: Fabrice Gautrat
City: Chicago
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Linear Speed Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Linear Speed Warm-Up
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Linear Speed Warm-Up (10 mins)

Band Progressions: Side Walks 10 each way, back pedal, Monster walk fwd/bwd 10 yards & back, 3 Way reach w/ Side lunge hold 10 each leg, Snap Downs (around knees) 10 reps


Perform Each Activity 2X

2 Foot forwards, 2 foot sideways, icky shuffle, backwards icky shuffle, in & out hops (fwd + bckwd), Lateral In & Out (2 feet), SL in & out

III. Linear Speed

A March 1 x10 Yards Hold hips, cross-arms

SL Switch 1 x 10 yards + Walk back Good dorsiflexion from knee, ankle,

Double Switch 1 x 10 yards + Walk back Walk back

Triple Extension 1 x 10 yards + Walk back Walk back

ADD: March Skips Linear + Side ways 

2 x 10 Yd Sprint w/ Decels

Technical Warm-up: Players pass / receive ball in groups of 4/5. - Follow pass.

1) Receiving and pass with inside of same foot (Two touch).

2) Receive and pass with opposite foot. (Two touch).

3) Receive with inside, touch with outside & pass (all with same foot -3 touches)

5) Receive & turn & cut it back Different Service 

Passive Pressure:

6) directional touch

7) 1v1 facing fwd

8) back to pressure

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v2 Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v2 Defending
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1v2 Defending (20 mins)

1v2 + Trailing Defender

DURATION: 4 x 2min


Block 1: Blue plays into 2 attackers. and it's 1v2. Once attacker takes a touch, 2nd defender can come in.

Block 2: Swap Roles

Block 3: If defenders win it, they can transition to goal

Block 4:

Conditions: Offside is halfway line.

Coaching Points:

Deny Penetration


Create 1v2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 + 1 Breaking Line Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 + 1 Breaking Line Game
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4v4 + 1 Breaking Line Game (20 mins)

4v4+1 Breaking Lines Game & Counter Principle Def. Organization


Small goals field: 18 x 25 Yard Grid split into 2 zones of 12 yards

Big Goals Field: 20 x 30 Yard Grid split into 2 zones of 15 yards.

Black 2 defenders can only cross half once one there's a split pass or when one of the forwards receive the ball. No offside so as to make it harder for defending team.

4 Blocks of 2.5 minutes / 1 min off

Block 1: Offensive Shape & Speed of Play

Block 2: Defensive Shape of Front two (pressure / Cover)

Block 3: Communication (Urgency & Specific)

Block 4: Double down (front two) & delay & shape (for defenders)


1 point for split, one point for goal.


Neutral 2 touch limit, optional: two touch limit for offensive team.

Coaching Points:

CP Def:

Shape: Compact (how should front 2 be defending?)

Communicate: Specific & Intense. Need to sense urgency. When line gets broken, immediate double down and apply immediate pressure from the front to prevent player from turning.

CP Off: Half space, play between the lines.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3/4v4 Double Down Flying Changes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3/4v4 Double Down Flying Changes
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3v3/4v4 Double Down Flying Changes (20 mins)

3v3 Double Down Flying Changes

ORGANIZATION: 40 x 25 Grid, with 15 yard central zone

DURATION: 2 x 4 min games.


- As soon attackers dribble across middle zone, 1 defender can double down from behind

- If team scores 1 pt, if team who doubles down wins it, they have 5 seconds to score on goal

Coaching Points:

Double Down


Light Switch Transition

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button