Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Goalie Practice Session

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Eric Xavier Enriquez Eric
Name: Eric Xavier Enriquez Eric
City: Downey
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goal Keeper Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goal Keeper Warm Up
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Goal Keeper Warm Up (10 mins)

Goalie Warm up (10min)

- Goalie jogs 2 laps around the pitch for blood flow and increased heart.

- Goalie performs dynamic exercises from goal line to mid field and back

- Some exercises are High Knees, Butt Kicks, A-Skips, B-Skips, Straight Legs, Knee Pulls, and High Kicks

- Lastly, goalie will receive soft shots from player or coach in the box. Goalie will be on their knees and falling either to right or left side depending on direction of the shot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Distribution Drill (Throwing Bins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Distribution Drill (Throwing Bins)
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Goalie Distribution Drill (Throwing Bins) (10 mins)

Goalie Throw Distribution Drill (Bins) (10min)

Set Up: Make 4 bins on the field. 3 of the bin short distance and 1 Long. Have an abundant amount of soccer balls for distribution

Drill: Goalie will dristribute using only throws into the bin the coach calls out. Goalie should aim for first bounce to land inside the bin for accuracy.

Coaching Points: Ensure players are using proper throwing technique. Emphasis that they should be hustling to grab a new ball after every throw. Don't call #4 out until they have become more accurate with 1-3.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Distribution Drill (Passing Bins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Distribution Drill (Passing Bins)
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Goalie Distribution Drill (Passing Bins) (10 mins)

Goalie Kick Distribution Drill (Bins) (10min)

Set Up: Make 4 bins on the field. 3 of the bin short distance and 1 Long. Have an abundant amount of soccer balls for distribution

Drill: Goalie will distribute using only Kicks into the bin the coach calls out. Goalie should aim for first bounce to land inside the bin for accuracy.

Coaching Points: Ensure players are using proper kicking technique. Emphasis that they should be hustling to grab a new ball after every throw and placing it at the top of the goal box.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Playing Out From Back (Tactical Drill)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Playing Out From Back (Tactical Drill)
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Goalie Playing Out From Back (Tactical Drill) (15 mins)

Goalie Playing Out From Back Drill (10min)

Set Up: Need 1 goalie, 6 offensive players and 5 defensive players. Also need an abundant amount of soccer balls.  

Drill: Goalie is in the box with the soccer balls. Goalie plays the ball up to the LB or RB and they move it up to the mid fielders, then they pass the ball forward to the strikers. This drill is intended to get comfortable with playing from the back and making a play. The defenders should try to intercept passes and work on their angles since they are down 1 man.

Coaching Points: Ensure players have high qualities passes and goalie is making the right decision on who to pass to. Have defenders play at about 70% until the offense is comfy with moving the ball up. Encourage the goalie to pass with both their hands and feet to work on their passing mastery. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Passing Drill Short and Long (Tactical Drill)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Passing Drill Short and Long (Tactical Drill)
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Goalie Passing Drill Short and Long (Tactical Drill) (15 mins)

Goalie Distribute Tactical Drill (15min)

Set Up: Need 1 goalie, 4-6 offensive and defensive players, abundant amount of soccer balls. 

Drill: Goalie will practice distributing with both foot passes and throw passes to 1 of 3 teammates. His teammates have defenders on them 

Coaching Points: Observe the decision making the goalie is making and ensure that the passes they are giving are high quality. Also motivate to the goal to move fast as this is a high intensity drill. Have defenders go 70% until the goalie is warmed up

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Block & Distribute Goalie Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Block & Distribute Goalie Game
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Goalie Block & Distribute Goalie Game (15 mins)

Goalie Block and Distribute Game (15min)

Set Up: 

Need 1 goalie and 3 different lines of free kicks at top and corner of box. Also need players to receive the passes of the goalie and defenders for their players.


Goalie will practice blocking shots from players that are situated right outside of the box. After they block a shot, they will practice distributing with passes to players in the mid field. Goalie can choose to either use foot passes or throw passes. The players receiving the pass will have defenders on them for the duration of the drill

Coaching Points: 

Look for good positioning of goalie when they are taking shots. Also communicate to goalie when they are making good decisions on who they are passing it to and when they good of made another decision. Motivate the goalie to move fast as this is a high intensity drill.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Cool Down

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goalie Cool Down
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Goalie Cool Down (10 mins)

Goalie Cool Down (10min)

Goalie runs 2 laps cooldown then does static stretching to end oractice. Goalie should hit the muscles that are tighter than others for a longer period of time.

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