Keron Doldron
Name: | Keron Doldron |
City: | Plainfield |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- Same area as before.
- Players split into three (3) teams, filling up the three sections of the area.
- 4 cones surrounding a tall cone in the middle form a diamond.
- Each player with a ball.
-On the clap, a pair of teammates (front players in that section) work in unison dribbling towards middle cones and performing the scissor move.
- As soon as the move is executed the other two players at the front of the line starts.
- Constant flow and lots of repetitions.
Coaching Points:
- Move the foot around the front of the ball finishing on the outside of the ball
- Drop the shoulder as the foot plants
- Take the ball away using the outside of the opposite foot
- Quality of end product
- Smaller touches on the ball (use of pinky toe to dribble the ball) “Like Messi” as approaching defender
- Unbalance defender with body movement (Use of body to sell the fake)
- Timing of Execution of move based upon space between you and the defender
- Final touch of move bigger (allows head to come up)
- Accelerate away if looking to continue to dribble
- Identification of 1vs 1 (space behind defender)
- Positive 1st touch (drive at defender, makes it easier to unbalance defender)
- Awareness of next action (where is the goal, space, teammates, covering defenders)
- Go the other direction using the other foot.
- Double scissors
- Take away cones and dribble at each other.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- Looking out for and applauding scissor move and also the feint move (from previous session) when executed.
- Attempts are to be applauded just as much as executions.
- Enthusiasm and encouragement of players to have a high intensity scrimmage.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm up
30x20 yard area
Each player has a ball
Player react to the call of the coach.
The coach calls out a number and the player does the action which relates to this number.
1 - right foot on top of the ball
2 - left foot on top of the ball
3 - change direct with the outside of right foot
4 - change direction with the outside of left foot
5 - perform dragback/pullback with right foot
6 - perform dragback/pullback with left foot
7 - outside cut with either foot
8 - inside cut with either foot
9 - scissor move
10 - toe touches & boxes
11 - cryuff turn
Coaching Points:
Keep ball close to ensure quick reactions to the coach's call.
Keep head up when dribbling as to not crash with other players.