Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U7/U8 Sample Session

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Marcos Palacios

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Marcos Palacios
Name: Marcos Palacios
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overview

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overview
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U7/U8 Sample Session

60 Minutes

Limited Space Session 

Focus on Technical Work and ball mastery

Can use a 20x20 Grid for the entire session


Greeting - 5 Minutes

Warm Up - 10 Minutes

Technical - 20 Minutes

Tactical - 20 Minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up

Warm up 

10 Minutes

Fox Tails

Balls, bibs, cones

Game 1: 60 seconds per game x 2-3 games - Soccer balls stationed around 20x20 grid.

All players with bib tucked into the side of their shorts. Players move around grid attempting to take the "tail" of the other "foxes". If your tail is taken, you must exit the grid, perform set skill (shuffles, toe taps) before entering the game again. If you take a tail, you tuck into your shorts and continue playing. Player with the most "tails" at the end of the game is the winner

Coaching points (asking players questions)

Without ball:

  • Scanning the field
  • "where do we need to be looking when we are running"
  • "what are we looking for?" Space and Opponents
  • "why are we looking for them?" to find space and avoid opponents
  • Good attacking players have 2 things - change of speed and direction
    • After we beat defender with a change of direction, we must speed up to create distance/space between the defender
    • Protect the bib/ball

Game 2: 60 seconds per game x 2-3 games - Progression: every player with ball now

With ball

  • Tight touches to keep the ball under control
  • Proper dribbling for speed technique (ankle locked, toe pointed down, dribbling with laces/outside of foot)
  • Change of direction and speed

  • Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Work

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    Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Work
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    Technical Work

    Technical Work

    20 Minutes

    Balls, bibs, cones

    • Every player with ball working for 30 seconds, resting for 30 seconds - how many touches can they get in 30 seconds? Competition against themselves
    • Shuffles x 3 rounds (3 minutes)
    • Toe Taps stationary/forward/backward x 2 rounds (6 minutes)
    • Laces for speed - right foot only/left foot only taking a touch every step, small touches extremely fast x 2 rounds (4 minutes)
    • Progression - gates are added, players must now dribble through the gates, all players going at the same time. Cannot go through a gate at the same time as another player. 45 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest. Must be very high intensity. Competition against themselves. They must beat their score from one round to the next

      • Shuffles
      • Toe Taps foward/backward
      • laces
    Coaching Points:

    • Balance
    • Proper technique for each individual activity
      • Checking shoulders and scanning the field
    • High intensity
    • knees bent and center of gravity lower

    Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tactical Application - Fun Game

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    Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tactical Application - Fun Game
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    Tactical Application - Fun Game

    Tactical Application Fun Game 

    20 Minutes

    Purpose: Apply the dribbling techniques used above into a game situation with a "defender" pressuring

    Using same grid and gates

    In partners, both with ball. Player A is attempting to break the gates by dribbling through them with Player B as "Defender" chasing. Defender has a bib in hand. If defender tags attacker, defender drops bib and becomes the attacker. The player who was tagged must pick up bib before chasing. Play for 90 seconds. Keep score. Rotate partners. Use the different dribbling techniques we used in the technical portion during these games.


    Now only the attacker has the ball. Defender must win the ball and keep it to become the attacker. Now we encourage the players to implement the dribbling techniques to keep ball away from defender (shuffle to protect and move ball away from defender, inside or outside to change direction, laces to create separation)

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    Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

    Play animation
    Play step-by-step
    Repeat (toggle)
    Full Screen

    Back/Forward: Drag timeline button