Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Movement Off the Ball

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James Spence

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James Spence
Name: James Spence
City: Trophy Club, Texas
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery with Triangle

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery with Triangle
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Ball Mastery with Triangle

Red Player at the Top of the Triangle serves the ball with her hands to the Blue Player. The Blue Player plays the ball back to the Red Player and moves to the the next area of the triangle.Once the Blue Players reaches #3 they move back the opposite way.

Coach Chooses the way the ball is played back. Instep Volley with Right Only, Laces Volley with the Right Only, etc.

Each Round lasts for 1 minute before the switching players .

MOVEMENT is key as the you want the player moving at game speed.

TOUCH & ACCURANCY are both very important

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Movement

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Movement
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Passing and Movement (20 mins)

THE SESSION: Boxes of 4 players (more numbers are fine) first have a group just pass and move in thier grid. Make sugguestions on staying open to the field, movement, communication, etc.

One (1) minute sessions have players do the following:

Pass and Move in their grid

Pass and Open around a cone, checking back into the grid

Pass and Open to any outside boundry of the grid.

Pass and Open to any outside boundary passing and receiving with the right foot.

Pass and Open to any outside boundary passing and receiving with the left foot.

Have a group demonstrate the movement before each exercise.

Teach the importance of awareness in the session, players must check shoulder before receiving ball and before moving around cone, players must also face the play players can then move to any side of the box not just around a cone. 

KEY MESSAGES/POINTS: Awareness, communication, eye contact, strong pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Switch Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Switch Passing
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Switch Passing (20 mins)

THE SESSION: Two teams in opposite 20 X 20 grids passing and moving within. Coach calls out "switch" and both teams must run to the opposite box. Player in possession of the ball will wait to find an opening, and switch the ball to a teammate in or running to the other box.

PROGRESSIONS: 1)Add a defender to both boxes to improve off the ball movement 2) Put both teams in the same box together to create more traffic

KEY MESSAGES/POINTS:Eyes up to see teammmates and defenders. Passing weight and accuracy. Movement off the ball, no standing or ball watching

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3+2 Switching the Play warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3+2 Switching the Play warm up
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3v3+2 Switching the Play warm up (10 mins)

Set Up: 20*20 grid. Extra balls behind the area.

Players: 10 players. 3v3 in the grid with a target player on both sides of the team's axis.

Description: Red play East vs. West. Blue north vs. south. Objective is to play from one target player to the other target player. If the opposing team wins the ball, they then look to play between their own target players. Restarts begin with a target player for the team that did not touch it last. Rotate players every 2 minutes.

Questions: What are we thinking about if we are the second attacker? Can we identify our options before we receive the ball? How does our body orientation help?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slice of the Game - SSG - Press the  Ball Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slice of the Game - SSG - Press the  Ball Rondo
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Slice of the Game - SSG - Press the Ball Rondo (25 mins)


Split the players into three groups of four. Starts with pass in from Coach. Two teams play 4v4 in one half of the pitch, with the other four players around the sides of the pitch.


The team in possession can use these players to help keep possession. The team in possession makes five passes in a row and then the ball is played to the neutral player at the other end of the pitch and the game moves into that half, with possession remaining with the same team. If the defending team wins the ball, they must get it to the player in the other square and they keep possession.


Helps to teach pressing and counter attacking.

Good for possession play and getting players to try to quickly close down. It’s also good for working on cutting down angles, intercepting and forcing mistakes, plus for attacking skills like shielding, first touch, passing and movement.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4+4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4+4
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4v4+4 (20 mins)

25 x 25 Box

4 versus 4 possession game with 4 neutral players on the outside

Every 5 passes is a point

After three points or 3 minutes, the losing team switches out and becomes neutral. If 3 minutes is reached, the team that has been in longer switches out.

Passes to the neutral players do count

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button