Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): YDP_P1_RWTB_04B_Oli Brittain

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Oli Brittain

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Oli Brittain
Name: Oli Brittain
City: SLC
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (15 mins)

The Session: Dribbling Warm Up

On the coaches signal 1s cross the grid doing the action the coach nominates.

When the 1s are 1/3 across the next group goes.

When the 2s are 1/3 across, the thrid group can go.

1. Inside/Outside cut across with same foot - one touch each time

2. Triple cut (three touches) with same foot all the way across

3. Pull push every step - the push needs to be a little bigger so you can get across

4. Dribble then cut inside and outside - Both Feet

5. Dribble and then step overs - Both feet

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RWB & Dribbling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RWB & Dribbling
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RWB & Dribbling (20 mins)

THE SESSION: 20 x 25 yards Dribbling & RWB - 15 mins

- The red players rwb in a straight line across the box length wise all that the same time, once they reach the end, they perform a turn and dribble back to the start line.

- While the reds are rwb the blues dribble width wise across the box, once they reach the line, quick turn, accelerate and once they reach the half point of the box, they pass the ball to their partner.

After an allocated amount of times or time limit, the players swap lines.



- The reds now have to look for space on the other line and don't have to dribble in a straight line.

- Blues stay the same.


- Reds can still dribble to whatever part of the opposite line providing that space is open.

- Blues now stand opposite each other and look to pass across the grid to each other.

Swap after certain amount of time.


- The reds now get a point for every time they dribble across the box without hitting or getting hit by one of the blue balls

- The blues now have 2 players in the middle and the others spread out around the area. They look to pass the ball and get a point for every pass. If the players have to dribble a little to create some space before making a pass they can.

- 1 minute time limit. Then swap.


- Head up to see space/other players

- Close control

- Smaller touches when congested

- Bigger touch when space

- Sharp turns and acceleration

- Positive 1st touch

- Speed (if you go too fast you wont be able to control the ball at the line)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RWB Under Pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RWB Under Pressure
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RWB Under Pressure (20 mins)

THE SESSION: RWB under pressure 30 x 20 yrds - 20 mins

- All players have a ball

Red player A starts for by running with the ball off their line, once they get into the shaded areas (10 x 20) they shoot the ball into the goal.

As soon as player A has shot, Player B (blue) now runs out with their ball to try and score.

As soon as player A has shot, they turn and try to chase down player B and prevent them from scoring.

The pattern would countinue so as soon as B has shot, C goes, C shoots, D goes and so on.

Once you've tracked back to defend and the next player has gone, join the back of the line opposite from where you started.

Encourage the speed but also control, have a time limit. Would vary on the skill level of the players.


* Players use only one foot (right/left)

* To take a certain amount of touches (minimum or maximum)

* Have player perform a trick before they shoot (Step over, Scissor, Shimmy)

* Players change the side of the goals they start from to encourage the first touch with different foot.

If the players are really getting it, have them be able to go to either of the goals but 2 players can't go to the same goal (makes them look for space, chose runs)


- Speed of play

- Positive first touch

- Head Up

- Reaction to turn and defend (recovery run)

- Try to run in a straight line towards goal (shortest distace)

- Keep the ball under control under pressure at speed

- What part of the foot will you use (laces)

- Bigger touches towards goal if defender

- Performing trick/dummy at speed and right time

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Line Soccer

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Line Soccer
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Line Soccer (20 mins)

THE SESSION: Line Soccer 50 X 30. 1 Ball - 4 colour teams - 20 mins

Start with two teams in the middle of the field (Red & Blue) and two outside the edge of the end zones (Yellow & Green)

The objective is to dribble the ball across the end line and into the endzone, then stop the ball.

In our picture, the Red player will get in the endzone and stop the ball, when he does, the Reds now transition to defenders, the Yellow players would now bring the ball out and the Blues will now go where the yellows were.

The teams waiting on the outside have to stay out of the endzone until the ball has been stopped and the attacker has left the endzone.

Put a time limit on it, 30secs to 1 min depending on level. If its a draw at the end of the time limit, both teams swap with the ones on the outside.

Everytime a team dribbles the ball into the endzone they get a point, keep scores.


- Shorten the time limit.

- Split the field into thirds and the players have to RWB through two sections before entering the end zone ( receive in middle third, rwb through final third before stopping in the end zone.


- Identify the space that you can RWB into

- Speed of play

- Positive first touch

- Head Up

- Surface of foot to use

- Least amount of touches to cover distance

- Playing under pressure

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