Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Escape to Victory

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Shaun Hamill
Name: Shaun Hamill
City: Bradford
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Escape to victory

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Escape to victory
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Escape to victory (20 mins)


Everybody has a ball all apart from one defender who is stood in the middle. The players with the ball are looking to dribble from one side off the pitch to the other without the defender winning the ball off them. However to be safe they must dribble through one off the three gates.

The defender has the job off looking to win the ball off these players and if they win the ball they must score in the goal so that the player they just tackled is out and becomes a defender with them. If they shoot and miss then the player who just lost the ball can go and collect it and wait on the starting line and is through to the next round.

Once all players have finished then the players who still have their football simply reset on the starting line by dribbling back down there unnoposed by the defender. They then go again and last person standing wins.

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