Name: | Pedro USSF A |
City: | Chelsea |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
4 Goals
Increase switches between playing in the midfield and on the wings.
Improve the execution of organized and collective pressure.
Improve the execution of support play and movement off the ball.
Number of Players: 10-12
Number of Teams: 2 teams of 5v5 or 6v6, if you have an odd number, have one player has a Joker
Dimensions: 45m x 35m
How To Play The Game:
The players position themselves in the playing area. Both teams try to keep possession of the ball. The attacking team must try to pass the ball through one of the 4 goals from the centre of the pitch and out, and then the second pass in the opposite direction through one of the 3 goals. Passes can be made in the opposite order, first from the outside to the centre and then from the centre and out. If both passes are completed, the team will score 1 point and can continue the game by trying to score again.
Objectives Achievement:
Alternate between playing in central midfield and on the wings.
Effective collective pressure. Continuous support and movement off the ball.
It is very important that the players on the team with the initiative position themselves evenly across the pitch to utilize the space both in the central area and behind the goals. These must be 3 meters from the sidelines.
A string of 4 consecutive passes must be completed.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Small Sided Game
Coaching Points:
Create width in attack to help build play from the back and open a passing channel to the forward
Look to penetrate to forward player
Mobility to support the ball and maintain possession
Team shape as the ball moves
The function of each player within the team shape
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Part 1
Fifa 11 plus Warm Up
The course is made up of six pairs of parallel cones, approximately 5 – 6m apart. Two players start at the same time from the first pair of cones, jog along the inside of the cones and do the various exercises on the way. After the last one, they run back along the outside. on the way back, speed can be increased progressively as players warm up.
1. RUNNING STRAIGHT AHEAD: Jog straight to the last one. Run slightly more quickly on the way back. Do the exercise twice.
2. RUNNING HIP OUT: Jog to the first cone. Stop and lift your knee forwards. Rotate your knee to the side and put your foot down. Jog to the cone and do the exercise on the other leg. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise twice.
3. RUNNING HIP IN: Jog to the first cone. Stop and lift your knee to the side. Rotate your knee forwards and put your foot down. Jog to the next one and do the exercise on the other leg. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise twice.
4 RUNNING CIRCLING PARTNER: Jog forwards to the first cone. Shuffle sideways at a 90-degree angle towards your partner, shuffle an entire circle around one other (without changing the direction you are looking in) and back to the first cone. Jog to the next one and repeat the exercise. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise twice.
5 RUNNING JUMPING WITH SHOULDER CONTACT: Jog to the first cone. Shuffle sideways at a 90-degree angle towards your partner. In the middle, jump sideways towards each other to make shoulder-to-shoulder contact. Shuffle back to the first cone. Then jog to the next one and repeat the exercise. When you have finished the course, jog back.
Do the exercise twice.
6 RUNNING QUICK FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS SPRINTS: Run quickly to the second cone the run backwards quickly to the first cone, keeping your hips and knees slightly bent. Repeat, running two cones forwards and one cone backwards. When you have finished the course, jog back. Do the exercise twice.
7. THE BENCH STATIC: This exercise strengthens your core muscles, which is important to ensure the stability of the body in all movements. Assume the starting position by lying on your front, supporting yourself on your forearms and feet. During this exercise, lift your upper body, pelvis and legs up until your body is in a straight line from head to foot. Draw your shoulder blades in towards your spine so that they lie flat against your back. Your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Pull in your stomach and gluteal muscles and hold the position for 20–30 seconds. Return to the starting position, take a short break and repeat the exercise. Repetitions: 3 sets (20–30 sec. each)
8. The Bench Alternate Legs: This exercise strengthens your core muscles, which is important to ensure the stability of the body in all movements. Assume the starting position by lying on your front, supporting yourself on your forearms and feet. During this exercise, lift your upper body, pelvis and legs up until your body is in a straight line from head to foot. draw your shoulder blades in towards your spine so that they lie flat against your back. Your elbows are directly under your shoulders. pull in your stomach and gluteal muscles. lift each leg in turn, holding for a count of 2 seconds. continue for 40 – 60 seconds. return to the starting position, take a short break and repeat the exercise. repetitions: 3 sets (40 – 60 sec. each)
9. The Bench One Leg Lift and hold. During this exercise, lift your upper body, pelvis and legs up until your body is in a straight line. draw your shoulder blades in towards your spine so that they lie flat against your back. Your elbows are directly under your shoulders. pull in your stomach and gluteal muscles. lift one leg about 10 – 15 centimetres off the ground and hold the position for 20 – 30 seconds. return to the starting, take a break and repeat the exercide with the other leg,