Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Technical Session: Creating Triangles

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Zubair Amin
Name: Zubair Amin
City: Croydon
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Block 2: Passing & Receiving

Topic 2: Creating Triangles (Technical Session)

  • Objective 1: Can we look to create a triangle shape when a player has the ball, giving them at least two passing options
  • Objective 2: Being comfortable under pressure by evading the pressure or passing to a nearby teammate
  • Objective 3: From our triangular shape can we recognise when we can play forward into space, and can we get runners from a deeper position

Core Move Focuses for Block 2:

  • 3 Player: Set Back Pass
  • 3 Player: Up, Back & Through

Skill Move Focuses for Block 2:

  • Iniesta La Croqueta
    • Outside Hook/Reverse Step Over to Outside Hook
    • Inside Hook/Sole Roll to Reverse Step Over to Inside Hook,
    • Cruyff Turn/Inside to Cruyff Turn

Technical Session:

  • For this technical session the warm up and the two practices will be done all together on the same area
  • We will then split into two groups for the 1v1/2v2/3v3s

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery Warm Up
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Ball Mastery Warm Up (10 mins)


  • Players dribble in the coned area doing different skills, turns and movements, on

    the coach's call, without losing the control of the ball or bumping into anyone else

  • Focus skills this block:
    • Iniesta La Croqueta
    • Outside Hook/Reverse Step Over to Outside Hook
    • Inside Hook/Sole Roll to Reverse Step Over to Inside Hook,
    • Cruyff Turn/Inside to Cruyff Turn


  • add defenders trying to tackle the ball and give all the players five lives, every time they get tackled, or the ball goes out of play, they lose a life

Coaching Points

  • Players taking small touches
  • Players keeping their heads up
  • Players playing at high tempo
  • Encourage players to try new skills/turns/movements even if they find it difficult
  • Look out for players who are struggling with the the technique the coach has asked the player to execute

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Triangles

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Triangles
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Passing Triangles (10 mins)


  • A simple triangle passing pattern where players are playing off two touch and are passing around the outside of the triangle (to encourage receiving off the back foot)
  • Multiple triangles depending on numbers. If a triangle has only 3 players, players DO NOT follow their pass, if there is more than 3 then they should follow their pass
  • Players should play off one touch and should look to receive the pass in front of the cone (encouraging a bounce pass)
  • Receive around the outside again but their first touch should take them away from the direction of their next pass so they are able to perform one of this block's turns so that they can then pass to the next player
  • Make it competitive to see which group can make the most passes within a minute
Coaching Points
  • Two touch: Receiving off the back foot so that they can play around the triangle
  • Receiving on a half turn
  • Playing to the correct foot especially when doing it off one touch
  • Weight of pass
  • Use of hand movements to indicate where they want the ball
  • Asking for the ball
  • When doing the second progression, receiving in the opposite direction to where they want to play in order to deceive the opposition

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 Breakout

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 Breakout
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3v1 Breakout (15 mins)


  • Game starts off as a 3v1 in one half of the pitch, where each member of the attacking team must have touched the ball at least once, before breaking out into the second half of the pitch where they can score
  • Defender looks to stop them and if they win it they can score in the goal
  • To break out of the half one player can dribble past the half way line before shooting with the defender allowed to track him (no other attacker can help)
  • Rotate attackers and defenders
  • This should be progressed quickly to only allowing the attacking team to perform a through ball past the halfway line for one of the attackers to latch onto and score (not allowing them to dribble past the halfway line now). Only one attacker is allowed past the halfway line, and if they pass fails then rotate quickly
  • Can add a certain number of passes needing to be made before breaking out
  • If it's getting too easy then add a second defender who operates only in the second half of the pitch
Coaching Points
  • Creating a triangular shape when in possession, working on passing like done in the previous practice
  • Quality and detail of the passes to maintain possession
  • Recognise having two options when in possession of the ball
  • Recognise when the correct opportunity to breakout, doesn't have to be straight away
  • Timing of the run when doing the through ball
  • A really good opportunity here to work on the Set Back Pass and Up, Back & Through core moves

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1s/3v3s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1s/3v3s
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1v1s/3v3s (25 mins)


    • Players are split into two teams and each player has a number​

    • When a player’s number is called out, they come onto the pitch and play a 1v1 against their opponent​

    • Games should last 60-90 seconds each​

    • Once their game is done the player should stand behind or to the side of the goal​

    • Multiple games can be played at the same time (max of three games at once) – players will be challenged on awareness in this situation


  • This can progress into doing 2v2s and 3v3s by calling out numbers (in total have a maximum of 6 players on the pitch at any time)

Coaching Points
    • Players should try and score as close to the goal as possible in to work on their dribbling. You can add an end zone on each side of the pitch that players must score within​

    • Encourage defenders to try and press/engage as soon as possible to put the attacker under pressure​

    • Challenge players who are dominating by asking them to do a skill to beat their player or score/dribble with their weak foot​

    • Ensure players are playing against those who are similar ability and/or physically similar – this is vital!

  • Use of this block's focus skill moves can be worth extra points
  • For the 2v2/3v3, use of this blocks core moves can be worth extra points or even a game breaker

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