Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): General Session - Create and Exploit the Overload

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Ridi Dauti

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Ridi Dauti
Name: Ridi Dauti
City: Porto
Country: Portugal
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking overload situations

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking overload situations
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Attacking overload situations

Principle of play: Create and exploit the overloadUnderstand when and how to exploit a numerical advantage against the opposition


Space: 36m x 30m

Time: 8 full repetitions for each set. 4 sets with 2 min rest in between


Attacking situations starting with 2v1 and continuing to 2v2, 3v2, 3v3, and 4v3 situations. When the 2v1 is over the GK plays to one of the red players in the center of the pitch to create an attacking situation for the red. This action is repeated after the 3v2 situation. 


Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Targets: The goals are the targets. Team with most goals wins.

Conditions: Opposing team red has only 5 seconds to finish each attack

Challenges: 1) The coach challenges the focus team by managing the red team to not press but sit deep and defend the area in front of the goal. The blue team needs to adapt to these new scenario.

2) The coach challenges the red team by giving them a 1 touch finish restriction in the last set.



Key Points:

In Possession (focus team):

Width and depth


Quick passes and movement to exploit the numerical advantage

Commit the defender

Different types of runs: overlap, underlap, runs in behind, etc

Weight and accuracy of passes and final pass

1 touch finish when possible


Out of Possession (opposition - managed):

Angle and timing of the press


Pressure, cover

Leave the furthest player

Protect the area in front of goal

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