Denise Wilson
Name: | Denise Wilson |
City: | New York City |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Players divided into two teams, Yellow and Blue
Attacking team (yellow above) have pinnies tucked in as tails
One defender (blue above) per zone, about 7 yards apart
On Coach's command, one attacker attempts to get past each of the 3 defenders to the far side without having their "tail" pulled
Defenders must remain on their line between the two cones
Attackers get a point for making it through the Guantlet
Defending team gets 1 point for pulling out a pinnie
Play for set period of time and switch roles
Coaching Points:
Use body to fake and feint pass defender
Attack with speed, dont slow up and let defender have upper hand
Use changes of speed and direction
Players go whenever pinnie is pulled or previous player makes it though
Reduce space between defenders
Reg - remove a defender
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Same set up as before
Attacking team has soccer ball
Attackers now must dribble through the Guantlet with their soccer ball
Attackers aim to get past each defender and to the other side of the grid
Play until Attacker scores or defender wins the ball
Points awarded only to offense
Play for set time and switch roles
Coaching Points:
Attack with speed, change direction - act first, dont react
Close control approaching each defender, penetrate space in behind each defender
Introduce potential moves to help attackers beat defense
Reduce space between defenders
Add in goals at endline
Reg - Take a defender away
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Players divided into teams
Each team in a corner
On command, one player from each team races out to grab a soccer ball and return it to their corner/goal
Once a ball is successfully returned, the next player in line can go
Play until all the soccer balls are returned, most balls wins!
Coaching Points:
Quickly out to the middle to retrieve a ball
Accelerate towards corner/goal, big touches
Close control near goal
Specify which foot, surface of the foot players must use
Players can now steal from other team's goals - play to a certain number of balls instead of time limit
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Divide players into 3 teams
2 teams play at a time, 1 team resting
Teams can score by shooting into the goal, or dribbling through one of the gates on the endline
Play for a set time or set number of points
Can stagger points - e.g. 2 points through gates, 1 points for a goal
Coaching Points:
Pick your head up to see best scoring option
Look for 1v1 scenarios - attack defender
Swap goals with gates - score for dribbling across endline or shooting into goal
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Dribbling warm up (15 mins)
25 x 25 yard area
Cones scattered throughout the area
Each player with a ball
Players must dribble around a cone to score a point
Once a cone is rounded, players look for the next opportunity to score a point
Coach specifies which surface players are allowed to use (inside, outside, laces, sole)
Count your score for each surface
Coaching Points:
Head up to see each potential point
Close control with the proper surface
Accelerate towards cone, decelerate when going around
Body position - knees bent, arms out, low gravity center
Place soccer balls on cetain cones, players get 2 points for rounded these cones without knocking off the ball
Must hit each cone once before repeating
Hitting another player/ball takes your score to 0
Increase/decrease amount of cones
Add in red light/green light