Jose Sagal
Name: | Jose Sagal |
City: | Somerset |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 15 x 30 yard area setup as show n
2. 10 players (2 Team s of 5)setup as shown
3. 1 ball(A dditionalaround the outside)
1. Play a 5 v 5 gam e w ith a halfw ay line
2. Red team starts the gam e by playing the ballinto the yellow
3. 3 players from the red team are now allow ed to enter the other halfto try and w in possession back
4. Ifthe red team are successfulin w inning the ballback,they then play the ballback into their halfand retreat
5. Yellow team m ustnow send 3 oftheir players into the red team ’s halfand try to w in possession back
Coaching Points:
1. Get in line with the ball
2. Assess the situation as the ball travels
3. Select appropriate surface (Receiving – Inside,Outside,Thigh ,Chest,Head)
4. A rm s outfor balance
5. Withdraw surface on impact
6. Direction of touch to enable next action
1. P – Limit players touches
2. R – Defender are only allowed to walk
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 15 x 30 yard area setup as show n
2. 14 players (4 A ttackers,4 D efenders,4
N eutral,2 G oalkeepers)setup as show n
3. 1 ball(A dditionalaround the outside
1. Team s score by getting the ballinto the goal
2. N eutralplayers have 2 touches
3. Team s have to com plete 4 passes before shooting
4. Play for a settim e period then rotate players
Coaching Points:
1. G etinto line w ith the ball
2. A ssess the situation as balltravels 3. Selectappropriate surface 4. W ithdraw surface upon im pact
5. D irection oftouch to enable nextaction
1. P – Players have two touch limit
2. R – Add second ball to relive pressure
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Phase 1: Soccer Tennis
1. Soccer Tenis: 10x10 x2
2. 2v2, 3v3
1. The activity is soccer tennis
2. The ballis served with a throw or volley over the net(one serve only)
3. Players then have three passes to getthe ball back over
4. To starttouches are unlimited
5. The ballis only permitted to touch the ground once
6. A pointis won only on a service; teams must first win the serve before they can score
Coaching Points:
1. A ssess the flightas balltravels
2. Select appropriate surface
3. Arms out for balance
4. Withdraw surface at impact
1. P – No bounce
2. P – Limitnum ber oftouches to two for each player
3. R – Reduce the size of the net
4. R – A llow a bounce after each pass