Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Inside and around 18 yard box, coach the technique and skill of shooting and finishing

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Am-Club: Oakville Soccer Club

Mike Terlizzi

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Mike  Terlizzi
Name: Mike Terlizzi
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM-UP Stage 1 (2-3 mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM-UP Stage 1 (2-3 mins)
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WARM-UP Stage 1 (2-3 mins)

Stage 1: Continuous Movement 12 players are to perform warm up with a period of running and series of varied movements in designated area 15x20 yards marked by cones. Begin with light jog, to increase in intensity. Players will be prompted to perform specific movements; high knees, butt kicks, raising legs to open and close imaginary gates, perform kicking motion by kicking imaginary ball (right and left leg). Players will partner up in pairs, facing each other with hand on opposing partners shoulder, plant outside foot and swing their inside leg back and forth (first one leg, then the other).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM-UP Stage 2 (3-5 mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM-UP Stage 2 (3-5 mins)
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WARM-UP Stage 2 (3-5 mins)

Stage 2: Neural Prep. Area of play 20x45 yards is divided into 3 equal areas of play. Using both nets, 6 players (5 + goalie) at each end. 1 player will stand behind 4 cones in diamond shape, numbered 1-4. Coach will call series of numbers between 1 & 4 in random order (ie. 3,2,1,4,2), players touch cones in order, run to center of field, receive pass from player lined up at opposite cone, take touch, and shoot on net. Shooter collects ball and lines up at passing line, passer lines up at shooting line.

Can make a game out of it by keeping score, points can be awarded for each goal, or in the event that both players score the point can be awarded to the player that scores first.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM-UP Stage 3 (3-5 mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM-UP Stage 3 (3-5 mins)
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WARM-UP Stage 3 (3-5 mins)

STAGE 3: Technical Area of play 20x45 yards is divided into 3 equal areas of play. 12 players are divided into 2 teams with 1 goalie per side. 5 remaining positional players per team assign themselves a number 1 to 5. Positional players will dribble around middle area, and listen for their number to be called by coach. When players number is called, those 2 players will play ball into opposing goalies area and immediately shoot to score. They will then retrieve ball and return to neutral area and listen for their number to be called again. Can make a game out of it by keeping score, points can be awarded for each goal, or in the event that both players score the point can be awarded to the player that scores first.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GAME 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GAME 1
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GAME 1 (15 mins)

Players play a 6v6 small sided game, formations 1-2-3. Field size is 44x50 yards marked by cones. Normal rules apply when ball goes out of play, ie. throw ins, corners, goal kicks. No offsides. Focus of coaching is on technique and skill of shooting and finishing. Coach only 1 team, determine which team after observing game for a couple minutes.

Coaching points

- Accuracy & attitude

- Head down / Eyes on ball

- Part of foot

- Part of ball

- Follow through

Attention paid to Attacking Principles of Play to acheive coaching objectives (support/depth, penetration, dispersal, movement, surprise, individualism)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACTIVITY

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACTIVITY
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ACTIVITY (15 mins)

Players play 6v6 (5+1 goalkeeper aside) in an 36X36 yard playing area, with cones to mark the boundaries, and cones through the centre to mark a half line. A net is positioned at each either end, with a supply of balls. Players stay on their own half of the field, and look to receive the ball and get a shot on goal. A point is awarded for each goal scored. Ball will start with one teams goalkeeper. If a team scores, play will resume with defending teams goalkeeper. If ball goes out of bounds, play will resume with defending teams goalkeeper.

PROGRESSION 1: One target player from each team is allowed into opponents half to apply pressure when opponent has ball, this player may score if they steal the ball, as well as on rebounds.

Attacking team may play ball into target player and combine to score for 2 points.

PROGRESSION 2: Add a second target player

Coaching points

- Accuracy & attitude

- Head down / Eyes on ball

- Part of foot

- Part of ball

- Follow through

Attention paid to Attacking Principles of Play to acheive coaching objectives

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FINAL GAME

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FINAL GAME
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FINAL GAME (10 mins)

Players play a 6v6 small sided game, formations 1-2-3. Field size is 44x50 yards marked by cones. Normal rules apply when ball goes out of play, ie. throw ins, corners, goal kicks. No offsides. Limited to no coaching, any limited coaching will be to same team or group of players coached in initial game.

Coaching points

- Accuracy & attitude

- Head down / Eyes on ball

- Part of foot

- Part of ball

- Follow through

Attention paid to Attacking Principles of Play to acheive coaching objectives (support/depth, penetration, dispersal, movement, surprise, individualism)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): COOL DOWN

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): COOL DOWN
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COOL DOWN (10 mins)

COOL DOWN - , Together the players will begin with light jog within the confines of the 44x50 yard pitch used for the small sided game. Right after, while their muscles are still warm, players will perform a number of stretches.

Session ending discussion, feedback, assessment.

Clean up.

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