Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): BCFC U16s - CW2S2: Maintain Possession 8.12.21 (Start Time: 08-Dec-2021 17:30h)

Profile Summary

Ryan Williams
Name: Ryan Williams
City: Ballarat
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Objectives:

 - To improve reactions to losing possession so team can counter press

 - To improve ability in keeping possession after immediately winning back

Coaching Points:

 - BPO: Closest to the ball presses, must press together

 - BP: Simple first pass, spread out to utilise space

Resources Needed:

 - 9x yellow flat discs (1st practice: Thinking Game)

 - 16x pink discs (2nd practice: large positioning game)

 - 16x yellow rubber discs (displaying 5 positional lanes to cover)

 - 10x white cones (4th practice: game)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 4. Thinking Game: 3v1 Pass away from pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 4. Thinking Game: 3v1 Pass away from pressure
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BCFC U16s - 4. Thinking Game: 3v1 Pass away from pressure (10 mins)

Practice Objectives:

 - Playing the ball away from pressure

 - Being available to receive the ball at all times

 - Being in a passing lane to various players

Practice Explanation: 


 - 2x 2v1s: 1x football with the majority and 1x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession

 - 1x 3v1: 2x footballs with the majority and 0x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession



 - 1x 2v1s: 1x football with the majority and 1x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession

 - 2x 3v1: 2x footballs with the majority and 0x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession 


 - 3x 3v1: 2x footballs with the majority and 0x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession


 - 3x 2v1s: 1x football with the majority and 1x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession

 - 1x 3v1: 2x footballs with the majority and 0x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession


 - 2x 2v1s: 1x football with the majority and 1x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession

 - 2x 3v1: 2x footballs with the majority and 0x minority, minority have to tag majority in possession


*4x 2 minutes w/30s rest: total 10 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 9. Game Large Positioning Game: Keep Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 9. Game Large Positioning Game: Keep Possession
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BCFC U16s - 9. Game Large Positioning Game: Keep Possession (25 mins)

Practice Objectives:

 - BP: to improve our ability to Keep possession after winning; simple first pass away from pressure and spreading out.

 - BPO: to improve our reactions after losing possession; press immediately after losing possession and pressing together.

Practice Explanation: 

 - 3 teams, 2vs1. Team that loses possession defends


 - 3x teams of 3 w/1 joker 


 -  3x teams of 3 w/2 jokers


 - 3x teams of 4 


 - 3x teams of 4 with 1 joker


 - 3x teams of 4 with 2 jokers



*4x 4minutes w/1 minute rest (total: 20 minutes)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside
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BCFC U16s - 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside (25 mins)

Practice Objectives:

 - Using the width to create space inside

Practice Explanation: 

 - All jokers have 1 touch (all are able to shoot if want, can be tackled as well, can play joker to joker)

 - score = keep ball.

 - Change jokers during each change over


 - 2x teams of 4 with 2 jokers out wide 


 -  2x teams of 4 with jokers (1 inside and 2 out wide)


 - 2x teams of 5 with 2 jokers out wide


 - 2x teams of 5 with 3 jokers (1 inside and 2 out wide)


 - 2x teams of 6 with 2 jokers out wide



*3x 6 minutes w/1.5 minute rest (22 minutes)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 10. 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 10. 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BCFC U16s - 10. 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside Create Video:

BCFC U16s - 10. 10. Mid Sided Game: Using width to create space inside (20 mins)

Practice Objectives:

 - Using the width to create space inside

Practice Explanation: 

 - All jokers have 1 touch (all are able to shoot if want, can be tackled as well, can play joker to joker)

 - score = keep ball.

 - Change jokers during each change over


 - 2x teams of 5


 -  2x teams of 5 with 1 joker 


 - 2x teams of 6


 - 2x teams of 6 with 1 joker (1 touch)


 - 2x teams of 7 



*4x 5 minutes w/1 minute rest (25 minutes)

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