James Long
Name: | James Long |
City: | Tacoma |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3 - 10 x 15 channels
Groups of 3+ players
Red starts with ball (Progression - Blue passes to Red to start)
3 options of attacking targets - End Zone - Goals - Cones (knock ball off cone)
Drive at angles to move defender and create space 1 side of them
Drive at speed to engage Defender - Closer technical touches - Speed up after beating Defender
Additional Notes
Encourage creativity
Demonstrate or ask player to demo examples of skill moves
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1 ball per player
2 of 3 channels from previous drill - can increase size depending on number of players
Players must dribble through the gates under coaches conditions
1) How many gates can players get through in a time limit (60-90 seconds)
Repeat 3 times, asking players to beat their own score each time
2) Players play tag while dribbling through cones
Gain 1 point for dribble through gate - Lose point if tagged (coaches can increase/decrease points give/taken)
3) Add a blocker or defender to the drill - Blocker stands in gates to stop dribblers - Defenders steal balls
Highlight the 4 parts of foot we use to control the ball. Inside / Outside / Laces / Sole
Encourage speed on the ball
Encourage players to lift their heads - looking for space (open gates) and defenders/blockers
Additional Notes
This drill can develop into a chase game - follow the leader if coach needs to add some variation to decrease difficulty
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Extend to the further cones 30x20
3-5 yard end zone (width dependent on difficulty and age)
Players play a small-sided game - no conditions on open play
Players score by dribbling into the end zones
1) Players dribble into or through end zone
2) Players must dribble into and stop ball in end zone
3) Multi-directional game - When team scores they keep possession and turn to attack the opposite end
- continuous game
Highlight when to use each of the 4 touches that we worked on in the session
Additional Notes
Encourage tempo and speed in the game
Encourage creativity and skill moves
Award addition points for skilful attacks into the end zone
Passes into end zone do not count
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Technical Run with Ball (10 mins)
2 or 3 channels - 10 x 15 - 30x15 - Add extra cones to make 30x20 for later drill
2-3 balls per group
1) Players drive with the ball at feet - 1 length
2) Slalom 1 length
3) up and back, drive and turn with the ball
Players can run on a timer or a number of lengths set by the coach. Can make races between each group
Technical Focus
Driving with the ball - Laces touch (Speed)
Turn - Inside / Outside / Sole for close control
Additional Notes
Continuous coaching feedback on types of touches
Encourage Speed from players
Keep number of players in line drills low, add extra channels if needed
Coaches can use cones as targets for players to end at - encourages driving at angles not straight lines