Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): CUFC Meso Cycle 1

Profile Summary

Steven Rodden
Name: Steven Rodden
City: Gateshead
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Week 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Week 1
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Week 1

Handling Techniques

Begin session with keepers standing approximately 8-10 yards apart.

Server volleys or throws ball into goalkeepers face to work on W catch (10 reps x 2)

Move on to CUP (10 x 2)

Scoop - 4 techniques (10 x 2)

Progress on to the above from 3 different start positions for servers, each goalkeeper completing 2 saves per rep. Server varies height of strike.

Key Principles:

Start Position - In Line - Up line

Focus on short/sharp footwork


Moving around goal with feet close to ground

Keep body/upper half square to play

Keep hands SET whilst moving

SET in-line or when striker pulls to shoot

Decision making/save selection

Eyes on ball right through catch

2 barriers (head, chest or stomach, foot or leg)

Elbows tucked in


1 goalkeeper in goal

Every other goalkeeper now acts as a server with a ball each approx 18 yards away from goal

Servers numbered from 1 upwards

Coach calls number with appropriate server taking a touch then striking ball towards goal

Repeat until all servers have had a strike

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Week 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Week 2
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Week 2

Diving Techniques

Begin with goalkeepers on their knees

Server starts by rolling ball close to keeper for COLLAPSING dive technique - moving knee away from ball, driving hands towards ball early

10 reps x 2 sets

Move on to LOW DIVE where goalkeeper steps knee out and towards ball, driving hands down early to ball.

Finish with MID HEIGHT DIVE where goalkeeper starts on knees, steps out onto foot, catching an aerial ball thrown by server and guiding ball to floor.

All 10 x 2 sets

As illustrated

Server stands 10-12 yards away from goalkeeper and fires low shots either side of the goalkeeper. Keep serves and direction of serve varied as to allow keepers to work in a more realistic, reactive environment.

10 x 3 sets

Progress to MID HEIGHT DIVES/ SKIP STEP DIVE (u13-u16)

Server now throws ball to side of goalkeeper between knee and shoulder or further out and above head (u13-u16).

Progression to quick get up using pendulum leg - Test goalkeepers speed with 2nd delivery into hands.

Top leg goes up - comes down quickly, bottom knee bends, keeper able to get to feet without use of hands.

Key Principles:

Start Position

SET Position

Decision making/save selection


Hands down early towards the ball

Safe landing - Side of Knee, Hip, Shoulder/back of arm

Closest hand in behind, 2nd hand on top forming W

Head in behind the ball

3 barriers - Head, Hands, Ground

Pendulum Leg


2v2 game of hand ball

3 goals per team

Teams have to stay in their own half and can score in any opposition goal they like.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Week 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Week 3
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Week 3

Dealing with Crosses FRONT POST

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