Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Sneaking in Tactical Ideas

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Tyler Krumpe
Name: Tyler Krumpe
City: Manhattan Beach, CA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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A perceptive excercise to build technical skill and awareness in passing, receiving and turning.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): awareness in collection

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): awareness in collection
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awareness in collection (30 mins)

An intenstive perceptive exercise with elements of passing, receiving, turning skills while working on awareness and dismarking.

Set up a square of 20x20, with a center zone of 5x5. Distribute blue Jokers on the perimeter, along with balls (several fewer balls than players, ie perhaps 5 balls for 8 players as shown.) Use your judgement as to placement/coverage based on your numbers. Allow 2 or 3 players (Red) to remain inside the grid.


-Reds scan the area looking for an outside blue Joker with a ball, and receive a pass. Upon receving, they must return the ball to a different Joker who does not have a ball. Reds are free to play one touch to adjacent Jokers in the beginning (ignore inside zone).

Continue for 1-2 minutes of intense repetitions. When finished, swap out the inside players. Repeat until everyone has been inside.

Coaching points:

-Awareness (which Jokers have a ball, and which don't) before, during and after the receipt of a pass

-Receving player should orient body appropriately to suggest where he wants the pass. If he does not do so, the passer should help by passing to a certain foot or at a certain angle.

-Attacking player should use various methods to dismark, such approaching a Joker with a ball, but quickly changing direction to another before asking for a pass. Be creative and deceptive!

Progression 1:

-Reds MUST dribble through center "zone" (outlined with 4 cones) before returning the ball to a Joker (adds chaos and eliminates easy one-touch play). Instruct each Red to check their shoulder and identify the inner square before receiving to get a preview of where they are going.

Progression 2:

-Add equal number of Yellows, and pair each with a Red. Repeat activity, with Yellow acting as defenders (to start). Reds must focus on dismarking, receiving and playing to an outside Joker as before. If a Yellow steals/intercepts a ball, they must complete a pass to a Blue to receive a point, and Red must try to win it back.

Continue as before, making sure everyone participates in all roles.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): collecting to turn and play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): collecting to turn and play
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collecting to turn and play (30 mins)

After the first exercise, break the squad down into smaller groups of 4/5. This will be a smaller more intensive version of first exercise. Set up a grid of 10x20, split in half.

Blue Jokers each have a ball. Red and Yellow start in opposite halves.


-Red checks to Blue 1, and Yellow checks to Blue 2. While checking to the ball, each player checks their shoulder, identifies their "opponent", receives a ball, turns, dribbles into opposite zone and plays the other Blue (Red dribbles into and plays to 2, Yellow to 1.)

-Upon completing the pass, Red and Yellow again check as before.

-Play continues intensely for 1-2 minutes

-Players swap roles and the activity is repeated.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to turn, penetrate, combine

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to turn, penetrate, combine
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1v1 to turn, penetrate, combine (30 mins)

Progression of exercise 2.

Red and Yellow are now opponents, Red the attacker, Yellow the defender. Both start in Zone 2.


-Red checks into Zone 1, Yellow does NOT follow. Red checks shoulder, identifies his Yellow opponent, receives from Blue 1, turns and attempts to play Blue 2. Yellow stays in own zone. Blue must enter Zone 2 before passing to Blue 2, at which point, Yellow can engage and tackle or cut out the pass.


-Yellow can follow/mark B at his own discretion into Zone 1.

-As Red checks his shoulder, he receives/turns or bounces ball back to Blue 1 depending on his shoulder check and evaluation.

-If he receives, he must beat Yellow, get into Zone 2 and attempt to play Blue 2. Play repeats whether successful or not.

-If he bounces back to 1, he immediately checks to 2 and attempts to receive/turn from there, again depending on his shoulder check/intent.


-Add a 3rd Blue inside the grid that attempts to help Red with a wall pass if needed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): progression

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): progression
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progression (30 mins)

Further progression of Exercise 3.

Create a 2v2+2, incorporating all the elements of the prior exercise. Yellow may man mark or zone mark, depending on your needs. Elminate the half line, and allow open play. Goal is for Red to play between the two Blue Jokers.

If Yellow win the ball, the roles switch with Yellow now in possession.

Game may be expanded once again to 3v3+2 on a larger grid.


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