Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): 4 MINI GOALS POSSESSION /CONSTRAINTS GAME - CK utd 17s

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Sean Keane

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Sean Keane
Name: Sean Keane
City: wexford
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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- start with normal game  , each team playing into set of mini goals at each end -  6/8 minutes - no coaching . 

- 1st constraint -  one team must defend all mini goals and if they win ball hold possession , each team has 2 minutes to HOLD the lead and not allow other  team to score in any of the goals , if the attacking team scores then switch team roles , the team that can hold out the longest wins the game .

repeat game again after 2 team switches , however this time allow team 1 minute among themselves to discuss tactics etc .

- 2nd constraint - both team play into assigned end , one team must shoot on goal after max 5 passes , the other team must make 10 passes min before they can try score , switch roles every 3 minutes .

- GAME - both teams play normal game into assigned ends , add a gate each end between mini goals ( 2 cones 2 mt apart ) 

if team scores in mini goals counts as 1 goal , if a team can dribble through gates counts as 3 goals - play for 10 mins .


possession based build up play to score in gates 

transitions to attack with forward passes

game management defending the lead



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