Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Scanning (1)

Profile Summary

Kyle Read
Name: Kyle Read
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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This session will have a focus of Scanning/checking your shoulder. We will be working on the kids using their body positioning to receive the ball, checking their shoulder to see if they can turn or receive a pass, and moving into space to receive or pull defenders out of an area. The first activity will work on the rotation of the midfield three. With two balls going at once, this will require one of the mideifleders to always be ready for the next ball. Second activity will require someone to always be moving off the ball, and scanning to see if they are pressured by the defendeing players. Third activity will continue with this theme as they will be able to attack 2 goals that are on different sides of the field.We want to encourage the players to communicate to each other (man on, turn, etc..) Also want the players to be able to check/scan and see if they are able to turn or lay a pass off. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery (Turning to shoot)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery (Turning to shoot)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery (Turning to shoot) Create Video:

Ball Mastery (Turning to shoot)

30 min Ball Mastery (Turning to Finish) 

15 Mins Practicing Turns without Pressure 

(1 Minute Practice 2 1 Minute Competitions for reach turn)

- Turn with inside of the foot 

- Turn with outside of the foot 

- Step over and then turn 

- Flick between the legs (L - Turn) 

15 Mins with Defender 

3 5 Mins Rounds 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield 3 Rotation - Technical Work (20 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield 3 Rotation - Technical Work (20 Mins)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield 3 Rotation - Technical Work (20 Mins) Create Video:

Midfield 3 Rotation - Technical Work (20 Mins)

Objective here is to get the center midfielders to scan and check their shoulder. When seeing the open player with the ball one of the 3 CMs will need to check in to play a 1-2. This will also work on the rotation of the three CMs in the middle of the field. Can start with just one ball at first if needed.

4 Sets (Switch 3 midfielders each time) 

- 1 Practice for 1 Min

- 1 Competition 1 Min 

- 1 Competion to beat previous score 1 Min

Coaching Points: 

- Check your shoulder 

- Check in 

- Check out 

- Open your hips 

- Weight of the pass 

- Body position

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 w/ 2 Balls (20 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 w/ 2 Balls (20 Mins)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v1 w/ 2 Balls (20 Mins) Create Video:

3v1 w/ 2 Balls (20 Mins)

3v1 possession with 2 balls

- Team will send in one player to pressure 

- If ball won played out to their teammates for a point 

- Team with possesion of balls will switch after 2 minute round 

- Team with the least amount of points scored on them wins 

- 5 Mins to practice activity 

- 15 Mins of competition 

- 5 2 Minute Rounds

- 1 Minute rest between 

Coaching Points: 

- Head up 

- Movement off the Ball 

- Angles 

- Showing 

- Scanning for defensive pressure 

- Finding space 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Only 2 are Open - 4 Goal Game (20 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Only 2 are Open - 4 Goal Game (20 Mins)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Only 2 are Open - 4 Goal Game (20 Mins) Create Video:

Only 2 are Open - 4 Goal Game (20 Mins)

4 Goal Game 

- Coach will call out which goals are open (Red/Blue) 

- Can only score goals when they are open 

- First team to 2 goals 


- Allow players to use outside players to keep possesion 

- Goal counts for two if you play 1-2 with outside player to beat a defender 

Coaching Points: 

- Checking shoulders 

- Can you turn? 

- Play the way you face? 

- Movement off the ball 

- Head up 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play Phase

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play Phase
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Play Phase

Play Phase (Can do 4v4,5v5,6v6 depending on numbers) 


- Scanning to get into good positions 

- Scanning to turn 

-Scanning to play 1-2s to beat defenders 


- 1 Point for goal 

- 1 Point for successfull 1-2 to beat defender 

- 3 Points for successfull 1-2 with a goal 

Coaching Points: 

- Head Up 

- Turn away from pressure 

- Play the way you face 

- Information 

- Open up 

- Check in/out 

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