Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defending Set plays

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Craig Birtwistle

Profile Summary

Craig Birtwistle
Name: Craig Birtwistle
City: New Jersey
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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How to set up defending set plays

Where to be when defending corners and free kicks

Why we need variations to our set plays

When we see visable cues to decide which set play to run

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice
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Technical Practice (10 mins)

Set up:

Free Kicks (As soon as a freekick is rewarded the nearest player must stand on top of the ball. This will mean they can not take a quick freekick and the ref will measure the correct distance for the wall.

Green zone - Outside of colored zone. One player wall mainly to just defend the short pass.

Red zone - 2 man wall. Stay strong only split once ball has gone away or if they attempt a short.

Blue zone - 2 man wall. Stay strong only split once ball has gone away or if they attempt a short.

Yellow zone - 3-4 man wall (keepers prefrence) stay strong and together. Do not jump.

Keeper is in charge of the wall. When the ball is in the red or blue zone the outside player of the wall should look like the post is lined up with that players head. This will allow the keeper to defend the far side of the goal. In the center (yellow zone) 3 players on the edge of the rectangle and 4 in the middle. Edge is the same has red and blue. Central yellow we have the middle of the wall in between the ball and goal centrally.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending Corners

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending Corners
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Defending Corners (10 mins)

Set up:

Defending Corner Kicks

1 - Keeper in 6 yard box

C - One player near post

A - On six even with post (must be a player prepared to head ball and challenge in the air)

B - On six in the middle of the goal (must be a player prepared to head ball and challenge in the air)9

9 - Center forward on top of the box not marking looking for the counter if we win possession

When we win possession everyone must run out of the box to apply pressure, build quick attack and leave the oppostiion offside.

All other players are responsible for marking.

If the opposition sends two players to take the corner we must also send two players to mark them.

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