Name: | Giovanni Pacini |
City: | Quincy |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Activity 1- In this 1 v 1 configuration, the two players engaged in the 1 v 1 dual are allowed to use any of the perimeter neutral players for support. There are no goalkeepers, only the use of mini-goals. The grid is a 20 x 40 yard space. Each round is started by the attacking player receiving a ball from different points of the grid. First round, the player receives the ball from the player behind him, second round, the player receives the ball from a side player, and last round, the player receives it from the player in front of him / her. This is to replicate real soccer scenarios where a player may receive the ball from a variety of directions. When the ball goes out of bounds or if a goal is scored, the attacking player resets for the next pass in. Once all passes have been made (behind, side, and in front), the defending player now becomes the attacker. When that player has received balls from the noted locations, a fresh set of players enter. The next phase of this activity will now allow the neutral players to use each other, but ultimately, it must be played to the player within the grid who is looking to score.
Restrictions on number of touches from the perimeter players may be implemented.
The perimeter players create a depth of support configurated in a diamond and broken down even further into triangles.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Activity 2- In this 4 v 4 dynamic, players without the ball may enter a safety zone to receive a pass. No defender may enter a safety zone. The zones are configurated in a diamond allowing for depth and width of play. As the activity progresses, additonal pressure is added by restricting the time a player may stay in the zone, hence forcing him /her to play quickly as well as forcing the other players to move in a tactically sound position. Players may not pass from one safety zone to another.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Shadow Training- Play begins with distribution from the goalkeeper. The backs initially are asked to interplay which includes playing the ball back to the goalkeeper. While this takes place, the two midfielders and 2 forwards move so as to create a diamond. One of the forwards "shows" so as to create the top of the diamond, with the other playing a bit higher but in a position to potentially receive the ball. Once the movement is correctly flowing relative to the ball movement, the backs are now asked to play within the diamond that has been created. The group moves up field looking to ultimately play it to another goalkeeper. Once he receives the ball, that 'keeper distributes back to the 'keeper in goal and the activity resumes.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Incrementally add pressure. First, with two players pressing the backs, then one to press the midfielders, and lastly, one to press the two forwards. The defenders are allowed to go to goal if they win the ball!
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
It's time to play! On a 50 x 80 yard field, players are allowed to play the game while making the effort to execute the movements rehearsed / practiced in the preceding activities.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up Activity
Warm Up Activity- This is the classic "Dutch Diamond". Player 1 passes to 2 and follows the pass, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and 4 back the new 1.
The sequence of passes to be executed are the following.- Pass to the front foot. Pass to the space immediately in front of the front foot. Pass to the back foot. Next, the same sequence occurs, but now the receiving player makes a short run away, and then checks back to receive ball. Be sure to have players pass in both directions.
The next phase would be to add passive defenders on each of the receiving players. The receiving player makes his / her run away, checks to receive and depending on the defensive pressure, will receive the ball appropriately. The passing player must read the pressure as well so as to place the ball in the right location and with the correct pace.
Make the pressure active.
Be sure to go in both directions.
Once one group of players recieve, then they switch to become the defenders.
The tactical cues for the players to react to are if there is strong pressure, play it back to the passing player or if there is separation, recieve and turn. It is absolutely encouraged as well for the receiving player under pressure to try to creatively beat the defender! Practicing to shield the ball once received is an additional dynamic that must be introduced as well.