Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Possession

Profile Summary

Ryan Jones
Name: Ryan Jones
City: Worksop
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQs

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQs
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SAQs (15 mins)

SAQs - Speed / Agility / Quickness.

Series of drills designed to improved these key areas. Players perform each drill & then complete 5 toe-taps / side-to-sides before joining the back of their line.

1: High knees - 2 feet in between the cones with the aim of getting the knee's high. Players will go through this 3 times before finishing.

1A: Same thing again but this time facing towards the right when going through the cones.

1B: As above but facing to the left.

2A: This time, shuffling from side-to-side through the cones going forwards.

2B: Same as before but sprinting to the last cone before shuffling backwards.

3: Sprint to the last cone, jog backwards to the first cone and then sprint to the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep Ball 3 v 1.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep Ball 3 v 1.
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Keep Ball 3 v 1. (15 mins)

Keep Ball 3v1.

Players play 3v1 Keep Ball against a defender. Can rotate defenders every 2 Minutes or if the defender wins ball, switches with player who last touched it.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep Ball 4 v 1 - Transitions

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep Ball 4 v 1 - Transitions
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Keep Ball 4 v 1 - Transitions (15 mins)

Keep Ball 4 v 1: Transitions:

Groups of 4 or 5 in adjacent 15x15 grids. One team plays keep ball Possesion while 1 defender tries to win ball and pass it to his team mates in adjacent square. Player who loses possession becomes defender in adjacent square. Game continues. If ball goes out of bounds, coach plays a new one in immediately.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goals
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4 Goals (15 mins)

4 Goals: 4 versus 4.

- Blue Team attacks 2 goals; Black team attacks 2 goals.

- Aim of the game is to switch the play quickly and make the field as big as possible.


P1: Limit touches - Players must stick to 3 touches each to encourage passing rather than trying to dribble through traffic.

P2: Players must complete 5 passes before they can shoot at goal.

P3: Introduce 2 'bumpers' in the wide zones to help with switching the ball quickly.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 + 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 + 2
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4 v 4 + 2 (15 mins)

Two teams of four with a "joker" at either end.

Teams are attempting to receive from one joker and play to the other.

- When the team has possession, two players immediately go wide and become the 2 and 3 (RB/LB) with the two central players as the 6 and 8 (CM's) and the joker behind as the 4 (CB) and the joker in front as the 9 (CF)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Scrimmage (15 mins)


- 4 vs 4 (Depending on numbers)

- Ideally should be seeing players making the field nice and big to encourage them switching the ball.

P1: Add conditions such as limiting touches & X amount of passes before scoring a goal.

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