Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Fast footwork & Dribbling (U8)

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Pro-Club: SBSC/ CCA

Gregory Wilson

Profile Summary

Gregory Wilson
Name: Gregory Wilson
City: Santa Barbara
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fast-Footwork Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fast-Footwork Warm Up
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Fast-Footwork Warm Up (20 mins)

30 minutes

Set-Up: 15x15

Equipments: Cones, Balls

- 9 squares - 3 deep and 3 wild 

- 4 to 5 players per line facing the grid

- Balls are placed in each square 

- 4 fast-footwork - select from appropriate standard 


- Balls stay put/players move forward 

- players do 15 to 30 seconds of fast footwork, then move up to the grid 

- Coach indicates when to move forwards 

- Players get a rest in line for 30-90 seconds after the move through the 3 lines 

  of balls. 

- Each line is a different fast footwork 

- At the end, incorporate a medley

- Players to memorize the names 

Coaching Point

- Move your arm/bend your knees 

- Have quick feet

- Players keep your head up - vision

- Ball of foot touches ball

- Muscles should be firm and in control 

- Don't be floppy or stiff 

- Two speeds - basic and double time 

- Ball directly under body

- On toes (not flat foot)

- Up to 4 fast footwork per session - select from the appropriate standards 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Grid Set Up - 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Grid Set Up - 1v1
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Dribbling Grid Set Up - 1v1 (20 mins)

Set Up


Equipment: cones, balls

-1v1 to small lines -9 squares - 3 deep and 3 wide-4 to 5 players per line facing the grid 


- Defenders on the line and they can't retreat backwards- Players on advance forward if they beat the defender- If they get stopped, they go back to start of the grid - After they go through the middle grid they go to the grid with the least number of players in line (coach dictate)

Coaching Point 

- Promote competition - Defensive posture - 45 degree angle through one of the 3 grids lines - Switch defenders after 2mins- Focus on only one move is used- Reward top point gainers 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Grid Set Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Grid Set Up
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Dribbling Grid Set Up (20 mins)

Set Up

- 30 minutes

- 15x15

- Equipment: 2 Pug, Cones, Balls

-1v1 to small Pugs

- large cones on side indicating half field

- Up to 3 Players next to and behind goal


1v1 Starts game

if ball goes out of bounce 2 new players come on

Players waiting must have a ball ready

out of bounce is sideline or end line.

Coaching Point

Promote competition

perform moves explode past defender

focus on only one move at a time

promote quick transition from defense

keep tract of goal per team and per individual.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 game me

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 game me
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4v4 game me (20 mins)

Set Up

15 minutes 

Equipment: 2 pugs, cones 

Rules/Progression - 3v4/4v4 scrimmage

Coaching Point 

- Encourage players to use skill from previews exercises 

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