David Scarth
Name: | David Scarth |
City: | Aberdeen |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Block 2, week 3
Working on developing the GK's movement across the goal to ensure they are getting into the correct position quickly and create a reaction save after a rebound
Balls (4&5)
Ladders x 3
poles x 12
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GK to start at post and has his back to the ball, he then moves through the flat poles (always facing away from the ball) after last pole, to turn to come forward and set in the small goal for the shot
3 x each side
(short sharp shot close to the body of the GK)
(cones laid between turning point and goal) - GK has 5 seconds to get to the goal before the shot is taken and he also has to weave between the cones, good feet is a must ... the GK may have to really dive forward to make the save
Coaching points:
GK to move square and facing away from ball using short sharp feet,
The turn has to be controlled and he must move forward at speed to get set for the shot
GK MUST be set for the shot, it is up to him to make sure he is set in time and in the right position
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
GK moves through the cones and sets for C1 to serve a volley to the GK who has to have a clean take and place the ball at his near post, as soon as the ball is placed C1 passes a ball to C2 who controls and shoots.
The GK has to move as quick as possible in order to get in front of the ball from C2
(If the GK does not make a clean take he has to collect a ball from the far post and resume)
C1 takes a 2nd shot as soon as the GK gets up from C2's shot
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
GK starts on the line and in the middle, on command he moves and sets for the 1st shot from C1, he has to then rise immediately and make a reaction save from C2 at the near post
C2 moves to the far post so that the GK has to move over the length of the goal to make the reaction save
Coaching points:
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm up (20 mins)
GK to move around the cones and through the ring in a figure of 8 in order to make the save at the top
3 each side then to change direction for 3
GK to touch the right post and centre for scoop, rise and return the ball and then touch the left post, centre, set for anywhere shot
GK to work through ladder and then cones, set in goal for 4 mid height saves after each other
The aim of these drills is to get the GK's to use their feet effectivley and think about their set position at the end of the movement.