Hockey Session (Transition Phase): Elimination & Connection Skills (Transition)2

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Pro-Club: Hampstead & Westminster Hockey Club

Kei Kaeppeler

Profile Summary

Kei Kaeppeler
Name: Kei Kaeppeler
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass with Carry

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass with Carry
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Pass with Carry

Set Up:

- 2 cone triangles, 15 m appart

- 2 players on each side


Left to right

- Player on the ball carries from centre to right cone and plays the ball hard, on the ground straight down the line to player on the other set of 3 cones

- This player open receives and carries around the 3 cones to the right and plays the ball hard, on the ground straight down the line to player on the other set of 3 cones

Right to left

- Player on the ball carries from centre to left cone and moves their feet around the ball and plays a hard forehand pass, on the ground straight down the line to player on the other set of 3 cones

- This player open receives and carries around the 3 cones to the right and plays a hard forehand pass, on the ground straight down the line to player on the other set of 3 cones

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): V-Drags

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): V-Drags
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V-Drags, Left to Right & Right to Left:

1. All Balls behind 25

2. 3 sets of triangulated cones

3. V-drags, left to right, right to left, left to right and then shot

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): V-Drag fake left

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): V-Drag fake left
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V-Drag fake left

V-Drags, Left to Left:

1. All Balls behind 25

2. 3 sets of triangulated cones with stick or cones to lift over

3. V-drags, left to left, left to left, left to left. Backhand drag back as fake, forehand drag forward with change in pace.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): V-Drag fake right

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): V-Drag fake right
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V-Drag fake right

V-Drags, Right to Right:

1. All Balls behind 25

2. 3 sets of triangulated cones

3. V-drags, right to right, right to right, right to right. (Forehand drag back as fake, backhand drag forward with change in pace)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slab School

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slab School
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Slab School

1. Stage

- 2 Players quarter apart slab ball to each other

  -> Hands together, ball on height of left food, swing back to front with full body rotation, floors sweep over the ground, left shoulder points towards team mate, soft wrists

2. Stage

- 4 players play one ball first clockwise then counterclockwise around the cones

 -> 2 touch, receive ball with open body position outside of cone, first touch into direction of next pass.

3. Stage

- 4 players play two balls first clockwise then counterclockwise around the cones

 -> pre-scan before receiving to make sure next pass is on, adjust accordingly

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Continuous 3vs2

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Continuous 3vs2
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Continuous 3vs2

Set Up:

- 2 goals, field minimum D wide and two D's long

- 2 teams of minimum 6 players each

- balls on diagonally opposite corners of the field



- One player of the attacking blue team starts on the ball in the corner, two blue players are higher up the field

- They play a 3 (blue) against 2 (red).

- When the play is over (goal, ball out of play, corner or the defenders win the ball and play it into their own corner) the blue attackers leave the field and the 2 red former defenders will now attack joined by a third red player who has stood ready in the corner with all the balls of the red side

- While the previous attack was running 2 blue defenders get into position to receive the 3 red attackers.

- This rotation continues (Whenever 3 players of one team are attacking 2 players of the same team should get ready to defend)

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button