Jason Adkins
Name: | Jason Adkins |
City: | San antonio |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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6v4 defending
Blue starts with the ball in possession, needs to get 8 passes then they can score in small goals.
if purple wins the ball they can score immediately in any small goal. While blue reacts quickly to defend, compact, organize, cut oof options to goal, and win the ball back.
Switch defenders win ball is scored or out of bounds.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
8v7 High Pressure: (25 min.)
Ball starts with blue attacking big goal, look to counter press to win the ball back higher up the field. 6 seconds to win the ball back after you lose the ball or punishment.
1) Close down with INTENSITY first!
2) Make the space as small as possible (look at and read the most dangerous to take proper angles/distance)
3) Win the ball back or disrupt play.
Coaching Points:
- Immediate transition, no time to dwell on disappointment of losing possession.
- Go ALL OUT and close down with INTENSITY first!!!
- The last 2 yards of closing down defines everything (real pressure), but controlled with anticipation of the next pass.
- Wingers should try to force inside, but if they can't, then MF 3 must work hard to shift wide together
- First player can always block 2 attackers by closing the line, then the ball carrier, and checking over their shoulder.
- If late and unable to challenge for the ball, use proper technique with small steps to adjust and cover the largest lane possible, forcing to teammate.
- Read and identify the most dangerous space as the second defender and communicate to teammate closing down... "Force left! Go, go GO!"
- Take proper angle, distance, and timing to close that most dangerous space
- Teammates should be reorganizing as a group constantly and quickly.
Build Out: GKs, Garvey, Louie, Max, Baca, Logan, Elias, Edgard, Berlint, Thomas
Pressing: Chris, Dylan, Chico, Eddie, Ivan, Kieran, Eddie
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
4v4 game
Pitch split into 6 boxes with the value 1, 2 or 3.
Whatever zone you win the ball in that is how many points you will get if you score.
If you are attacking the closer to the opponents goal = 3pts, in the middle = 2pts and by your own goal = 1pt
2 pitches playing at once - 5 min game then rotate teams x2
Out of possession focus:
- Commit to defending higher up the pitch
- Can top player split pitch in half and team slide to support so they cant play thru the middle into the goal.
- Body shape when splitting pitch and defending 1v1 situations
In possession focus:
- Attack at pace so that defenders cant pin you in boxes by your goal
- Quick passing and movement to beat a high press
Technical focus:
- Body shape when defending, pushing outwards
- Not diving in 1v1