Mike Yeatts
Name: | Mike Yeatts |
City: | Woodbridge |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-Within a 10x10 grid, set-up a simple area (approx 5 yards).
-10-12 players split into 2 groups
-Place two cones/markers to form a gate in one corner.
-One defender in the area. Remaining players outside area, on corner opposite the gate.
-One attacker at a time tries to get past the defender and through the gate to score a point.
-If the defender can tag the attacker then they gain a point for themselves.
Skill Development:
Movement, acceleration, change of direction
Starting to think about defensive body shape, speed of approach, etc...
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
12 x 10 grids with a ball on a cone at one end as shown.
Players work in pairs. White player plays the ball across the grid to black player and closes the space down quickly. Black player must try to dribble past the white player and try and knock the ball off the cone or dribble across end line. White player defends them and tries to win the ball and dribble across opposition end line.
Switch roles, have players work for 90 seconds games and keep track of points. Winners move up the grid loser’s move down the grid.
Coaching Points
Close down space and try to win ball in black half, speed/angle of approach, apply pressure without stabbing, body shape side on, take advantage of poor touch/dribble by attacker, watch ball not player.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up
Four 12x12 squares as shown.
Play 4v2 (or 4v1 with a server) in two opposite squares as shown. Points are awarded for the passes if they can split the two defenders or ca make 5 successful passes in a row. Rotate two defenders every 90 seconds and make drill competitive.
(2) - Team of four are now looking to connect 5 passes and can then connect a through ball into square counter clockwise from the one they are currently in. Restart the process in the next square until one group catches the other. Defenders are now trying to protect a penetrating through ball to the next square.
Coaching Points
Pressure of first defender, cover of second defender, prevent penetration pass - no splits, angle of pressure and support, communication between defenders
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up
Field 40 X 30 with regular goals as shown.
Teams will play 6 v 6 including Goalkeepers. Regular scrimmage game with emphasis on pthe defensive side of the game. Allow game to be free play but enforce coaching points of the day.
Coaching Points
All of points portrayed throughout the session should be enforced in a game situation.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Dynamic Warmup (10 mins)
Return diagonal through middle to other cone (groups cross)
1. skip with forward arm swing | jog
2. skip with backward arm swing | jog
3. opposite arm, opposite leg skip | gentle stride
4. skip (pop up) elbows/arms back | stride
5. rotate upper body opposite from feet | back pedal
6. (1) push (2) knee up to opposite arm | sharp back pedal ½
way, then turn and run
7. ½ pop-up, ½ calf stretch | walk ½ way on heels, jog
8. push-up position, dynamic calf stretches, stride out | jog
9. quad stretch (same hand), ½ way reach opposite hand high,
get on toes | ½ way heels up, jog
10. close gate, ½ way turn and open gate | burst diagonal ½ way
and decelerate
11. knee up down, close gate, ½ way opposite | sharp back pedal ½ way turn and burst
12. rhythm open and outs with a clap | jog
13. squat with hands on toes, flex and extend hamstrings (5 repetitions) stay at start
14. step forward brush both hand on outside of lead leg, ½ way ½ kick | ½ way high knees, jog
15. dynamic side lunges, stay at start
16. side kick out, stay at start
17. face each other, side skip ½ way, 2 side lunges, face away side skip, 2 lunges | jog
18. hop on right foot increasing speed, switch on clap from coach (½ way) | jog
19. same, but sprint to end on second clap | jog
20. double-footed jumps (pop off the ground), ½ way burst to end | jog
21. diagonal jump-lunge ½ way, backward jump-lunge ½ way | jog
22. same but shorten and speed up on each one, ½ way sprint end | jog
23. same backward, at ½ way sprint back to start