Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Tacckle: Poke

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Jose Sagal

Profile Summary

Jose Sagal
Name: Jose Sagal
City: Somerset
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1: Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1: Warm-up
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Activity 1: Warm-up


1. 30 x 20 yard area setup as show n

2. 6 Players (3 attackers,3 defenders)setup

as show n

3. 3 balls (1 per attacker)(A dditionalaround

the outside)


1. Three attackers start at the top and bottom of the area

2. All attacking players set off at the same time and at tempt to sw tch sides

3. Defending players must attempt to prevent attacking players from crossing the middle zone

4. Defending players are only allowed to tackle attacking players inside this area

5. For every ball won the defending team scores a point

6. Rotate defending and attacking players every third attempt

7. Record which defending team scored the most points

Coaching Points:

1. Correct tackling technique (block or poke tackle)

2. Ankle locked

3. Body weight for ward to gain possession


1. P – Remove the middle zone and allow players to tackle any where inside the area

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2: technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2: technical
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Activity 2: technical


1. pen area with six triangles setup as


2. 6 players (3 teams of 2 )setup as show n

3. 3 balls

4. Triangle sides are 5 yrd apart


1. Players are divided into pairs

2. One attacker and one defender

3. The attacking player attempts to penetrate into the triangle with a dribble

4. The defender attempts to prevent this

5. Rotate players after a set time limit

Coaching Points:

1. Poke the ball using the front foot(one closet the ball)

2. Lock the ankle

3. Weight is on the back foot

4. Poke the ball at an angle (diagonal)


1. P – Increase the size of the attacking area

2. P – Attackers can penetrate more than one attacking area

3. R – Play 1 vs .2

4. R – Attackers must penetrate two sides of the triangle,allowing a chance for the defender to recover

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3: Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3: Conditioned Game
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Activity 3: Conditioned Game


1. 30 x 20 yard area setup as show n

2. 6 players 2 teams of 3

3. 1 ball (A dditionalaround the



1. Players face on a 1v1

2. First 2 opponenents have to be 5yrds away from the ball(middle of the field) to begin

3. On coaches command players aim to win the ball and or poke tackle to go on and score after

4. If defenders poke tackle before the attacker score they get 1 point.

Coaching Points:

1. Poke the ball using the front foot(one closet the ball)

2. Lock the ankle

3. Weight is on the back foot

4. Poke the ball at an angle (diagonal)


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 4: Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 4: Free Play
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Activity 4: Free Play



Coaching Points:


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
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Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button