Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U7-U8 - Pre-Academy Session #7 (Start Time: 2017-03-27 17:30:00)

Profile Summary

Robert Capewell
Name: Robert Capewell
City: Gonzales
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Introduction to movement off the ball (With a technical focus on passing and receiving)

WHAT - Moving into space when a pass has been made to a team mate

WHO - The player without the ball

WHERE - Anywhere on the soccer field when a player needs to move into space.

WHEN - When a player has just played a pass or sees a space to move into.

WHY - Movement off the ball makes it hard for the opponent to defend against you but it also makes the attacking player available to play the ball.

HOW - By moving off the ball into a space to receive a pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)

Warm up - Tag w/ safe zones

Select several taggers, they must hold a pinnie in their hands. They must try and tag players by either throwing the pinnie at them or tapping the pinnie on their shoulder. The coach can decide which coloured areas are safe zones, how many players are allowed in each safe zone and how long each player can last in each safe zone.

Rep 1 - 90 seconds

Taggers with a pinnie, if they tag someone they swap roles. Their job is to now not get tagged. Can the players focus on, 1) Immediate chase after they have been tagged, and 2) Immediate chase when they have tagged someone.

Every square is a safe zone - 1 player allowed in each. If a new player comes in, they must leave. 2/3 taggers with pinnie in their hands.

Rep 2 - 90 seconds

Same as before, but now every player has a soccer ball at their feet. They must be in control of the soccer ball to tag someone. Look at the players to take small touches in tight areas and good-sized touches when they have space to accelerate into space. Players can either throw pinnie at the player, touch the player with pinnie or throw it at the soccer ball.

2 Squares can only be used as safe zones, change the safe zones frequently in the game - 1 player only allowed in each safe zone. If new player enters, they must leave. 4/5 taggers with pinnie in their hands.

Rep 3 - 90 seconds

Same as before, but now every player has a soccer ball at their feet. They must be in control of the soccer ball to tag someone. Look at the players to take small touches in tight areas and good-sized touches when they have space to accelerate into space. Players can either throw pinnie at the player, touch the player with pinnie or throw it at the soccer ball.

1 square can only be used as safe zones but change the colour frequently in the game- 1 player only allowed in each safe zone. If new player enters, they must leave. 6/7 taggers with pinnie in their hands.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1 - Pairs Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1 - Pairs Passing
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Activity 1 - Pairs Passing (10 mins)

Activity 1 - Pairs Passing

The objective of the players is to pass and move to as many corners as possible to collect as many orange cones as possible. Players pick up 1 cone for every square that they visit.. But, they must go back through the green square before they can go back to any square. i.e. Orange to green to blue to green to white, etc.

Rep 1 - 60 seconds

Players count how many cones they get. Technical coaching point is to direct their pass to their partner with their leg going in the direction of their team mate.

Rep 2 - 60 seconds

Can the players now beat their previous score. Technical coaching point is to direct their pass to their partner with their leg going in the direction of their team mate, but now their hips must be square to their team mate also.

Rep 3 - 60 seconds

Add 2 bandits. The bandits can not get the ball if they are in a square. If the bandit starts to follow an individual, it is the job of that individual to get away and make them self available for a pass. Keep the focus on how many cones they can collect when they go to each corner. Technical Coaching Point - Kick the mouth or the nose of the soccer ball, depending on whather they want it to go high or to go low.

Rep 4 - 60 seconds

Change the 2 bandits and replace with another 2 bandits. Each group must be thinking how to get to the corners as quick as they can whilst keep an eye out for the bandits. Technical coaching point - punch the ball instead of scooping the ball. A punch of the ball will allow for better proficiency of the pass.

Technical Coaching points

- Leg going in the direction of the player

- Hips are square to the player they are passing to

- Think about which part of the soccer ball they need to kick (Mouth-in the air or nose-across the ground)

- Passing the ball with a punch and not a scoop

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2 - Passing in Pairs w/ stipulations

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2 - Passing in Pairs w/ stipulations
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Activity 2 - Passing in Pairs w/ stipulations (10 mins)

Activity 2 - Passing in Pairs w/ stipulations

Same as previous but this time, all games have bandits. Depending on the amount of players will depend upon the amountof bandits. Reinforce all technical coaching points and there is still a focus on how many cones the players can collect everytime they go around. Ask the players what they need to do to improve their number of overall cones that they collect.

Rep 1 - 60 seconds - No dribbling

Rep 2 - 60 seconds - 5 Passes to a square (safe zone)

Rep 3 - 60 seconds - 4 passes to a square (safe zone)

Rep 4 - 60 seconds - 3 passes to a square (safe zone)

Rep 5 - 60 seconds - 2 passes to a square (safe zone)

Technical Coaching points

- Leg going in the direction of the player

- Hips are square to the player they are passing to

- Think about which part of the soccer ball they need to kick (Mouth-in the air or nose-across the ground)

- Passing the ball with a punch and not a scoop

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game - 7v7

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game - 7v7
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Game - 7v7 (25 mins)

Game - 7v7

Focus on technical coachig points. Can the players challenge themselves with more expansive passes and better movements into space. Shooting from distance is still something to work on and if the players manage to complete it or shows perception to doing it, praise them.

Technical Coaching points

- Leg going in the direction of the player

- Hips are square to the player they are passing to

- Think about which part of the soccer ball they need to kick (Mouth-in the air or nose-across the ground)

- Passing the ball with a punch and not a scoop

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