Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Receving (Ground) WSSL G10 E (Start Time: 2014-04-07 17:30:00)

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Carl Spence

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Carl Spence
Name: Carl Spence
City: New Milford
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up - Pass thru cones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up - Pass thru cones
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Warm up - Pass thru cones (10 mins)


1. 40 x 40 yard area setup as shown

2. 12 players (6 A ttackers,6 Targets)

3. 6 Balls

4. 12 + cones (These are placed randomly around the area to make minigates to pass the ballthrough)


1. Players are paired together one attacker one target player

2. Players move around the area in their pairs

3. Once the pair reaches a gate,the attacker must pass to their target player through the gate

4. After the ball has been received through the gate, the pair switches roles and find another gate to play through

5. Players keep count of the gates the ball is passed through

Coaching Points:

1. Head up, observe your target

2. Weight and accuracy of pass


1. Players have to get through two gates for one point

2. Limit to two touch so that the players have to continue to pass moving to the gates

3.Switch Partner after pass through a gate

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & Receiving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & Receiving
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Passing & Receiving (10 mins)


Set up as shown

Demensions 30X30yd area

Attackers in Red/White

Feeders in Blue/Yellow


Attackers pass to feeders and receiving a return pass

Attacker then moves to new feeder and repeat action

Attackers are allowed 1minute to get as many passes

Defenders and Attackers switch roles after each min.

Coaching Points:

Head up to observe/make eye contact with target

accurate passes to feeders

communication - attackers call the name of their next target before passing

- defenders communicate "im open" when in space


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main 1
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Main 1 (15 mins)


1. Area is 40x40 area or whatever space you have

2. Players work in pairs/ one ball


1. Player 1 passes a ball into Player 2

2. Player 1 is immediately release with his/her pass

3. Player 1 must try to close down space between him/herself and Player2

4. Player 2 must take first touch away from pressure then dribble into space left by player one

5. Player 2 then repeats the activity acting as player 1

Coaching Points:

1. Players must make eye contact before executing pass

2. Player 2 must attack the ball and receive on the move.

3. Defending player must not try to win the ball


1. defenders can try to win the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 1v1
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Main Theme 1v1 (15 mins)


- 8-12 players playing 1v1 + Goalie set up as shown

- 20X20 yard playing area

Red players are defenders

Blue/yellow players are attackers

Coach becomes referee/ball server


- coach passes a ball to the attacking team

- attack must take a good first touch before making nextr action

- defender is released on the coaches pass

- both players play a 1v1 game where defender triesd to score in two small goals while attackers scores in empty net

Coaching Points:

- Attacker must take a positive first touch on the ball and observe defender before making next move

- Attackers try to use skilll moves to get pass defender and get a shot on goal

- Defenders should apply immediate pressure after pass and try to prevent attacker shooting

- Attackers MUST SHOOT when they create space between themselves and the defender


1. players work in pairs 2v2

2. defender is release before pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game2
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Conditioned Game2 (25 mins)


- 8 players playing 4V4 set up as shown

- 20X20 yard playing area

Coach becomes referee


- Players are encourage to pass when the see an open player

- Players must take 2 touches (no more/no less during game)

Coaching Points:

- Players should communicate I'm open to teammates when they are in good positions

- Players should dribble when they see no option to pass


1. Free play

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