Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): SHOOTING

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Pedro USSF A
Name: Pedro USSF A
City: Chelsea
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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The session is based specifically on the shooting technique. We found the technique needed working on since the last three games we have noticed the end product was lacking. The session was aimed to help participants perfect the end product to hopefully have results seen in match day scenarios. Screen 1 starts to help and show participants what is required from them in a match day scenario. Screen 2 allows for participants to practice shooting with a rolling ball. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Some of the technical considerations are; coaching positioning, type of practice, weather conditions, how you see and communicate clearly, number of coaches and/or volunteers. How effective your demonstrations and communication are for the participants.
Technical Tactical
Discussing of game winning or game affective tactics. Also, discussions of targets and challenges both individual and group are discussed heavily allowing the participants to fully understand what is required from the individually and as a team.
Technical Physical
The coach can notice physical differences before, during and after each session or interaction. Some examples are tirednesses, speed of the practice and movements.
Technical Psychological
Motivations of the player, comfortability during the sessions and interactions, development of the players over time. Mental health outside of the sport is also something which the coach should consider and bare in mind.
Technical Social
Social interactions occur between participants and participants to coach. This can be when the coach is explain the drill and steps to drills. During the session there are controllable social interactions and uncontrollable interactions. Examples of uncontrollable interactions are; conversations between each participants before, during and after each session. Controllable interactions are; coach to player.

Screen 1 (20 mins)

Warm up requirements: (10-15 minutes)

  • 8 outfield players. 
  • One football for each participants. 
  • Each players stands up 4 metres from the rebound box. Practising shooting and passing back and forth to the rebound box. 
  • If this becomes easy then you can increase the distance from the rebound box. This distance can change specific to each participant. 

Skill: this drill is turned into skill practice by giving individuals tasks and challenges. Also there's space to give the participants freedom to gain or decrease the space. 

Technique = shooting

The mechanics of shooting 

1. Get the body in the correct position to strike. 

2. Angled approach. 

3. Non-kicking foot besides the ball. 

4. Head over the ball. 

5. Select surface and strike. E.g. laces, inside foot, outside foot. 

6. Follow through the strike. 

7. Accuracy and aim. 


  • Area: half of a half pitch (half pitch required for screen 2) 
  • Equipment: cones, footballs, eight rebound boxes, goals. 
  • This area will be easy to clear for the transition into the next drill/progression. 


  • stop individuals to give advice and tips on their technique. 
  • speak to individuals during water breaks. 
  • stop the whole group and demonstrate the correct technique, so you don't single out anyone. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Some of the technical considerations are; coaching positioning, type of practice, weather conditions, how you see and communicate clearly, number of coaches and/or volunteers. How effective your demonstrations and communication are for the participants.
Technical Tactical
Discussing of game winning or game affective tactics. Also, discussions of targets and challenges both individual and group are discussed heavily allowing the participants to fully understand what is required from the individually and as a team. Additionally to this, what is learnt in the game style drill is put into place during the game.
Technical Physical
The coach can notice physical differences before, during and after each session or interaction. Some examples are tirednesses, speed of the practice and movements.
Technical Psychological
Motivations of the player, comfortability during the sessions and interactions, development of the players over time. Mental health outside of the sport is also something which the coach should consider and bare in mind.
Technical Social
Social interactions occur between participants and participants to coach. This can be when the coach is explain the drill and steps to drills. During the session there are controllable social interactions and uncontrollable interactions. Examples of uncontrollable interactions are; conversations between each participants before, during and after each session. Controllable interactions are; coach to player.

Screen 2 (20 mins)

Drill: (20 minutes) 

  • 1 participant in the goals (ideally a goalkeeper) 
  • 1 participants feeding the ball to lay off each participant for a shot on goal. 
  • 4 participants behind each cone left. 
  • After around 5-10 minutes change the groups around changing the goalkeeper and feeder also if required - this also allows for participants to use both feet and practise shooting from different angels and distances. 
  • Keep the carousel type drill going to avoid breaks when not desired. 

Using a carousel type drill allows time to maximise ball rolling time for the entire drill. 

The coach can also make this fun and exciting by making it a competition throughout the drill e.g. putting participants against each other to see who scores the most and the least then can set targets for next time etc. 


  • Area; Half pitch needed. 
  • Equipment; Cones, footballs, goals, rebounders. 
  • 10 participants, 1 goalkeeper ideally. 

Skill: adding individual challenges and targets helps the skill be developed. 

Technique: shooting 

1. Get the body in a position to strike. 

2. Angled approach. 

3. Non-kicking foot besides the ball. 

4. Head over the ball. 

5. Select surface and strike. E.g. laces, inside of the foot, outside the foot. 

6. Follow through. 

7. Accuracy and aim.

During water breaks ask for feedback and advice on the session so far. 

Allowing a participant to feed the ball allows the coach time to intervene and give advice and tips. 


  • One to one interventions help you develop a relationship with the participants: helps set targets and challenges one on one. 
  • Group interventions help the correct technique demonstrated and group targets and challenges can be set for everyone at the same time. 


  • Using both feet to strike the ball. 
  • Practising shooting from different distances on different sides of the pitch. 
  • Set individual and group targets and challenges. 
  • Use a bouncing ball to volley the ball. 

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