Futsal Session (Beginner): HYSC 1st-3rd Grade Winter Development 24 Program Week 8 (Start Time: 2023-03-05 10:30:00)

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Harrison Youth Soccer Club

Marcos Soto

Profile Summary

Marcos Soto
Name: Marcos Soto
City: Harrison
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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This week in development we will teach the players on How to be successful when they are close to goal.

Using the 4 pillars of the game Technical, Tactical, Physical and Psychological (Social) choose strategically your coaching points and drift fit them through out the session.

We will concentrate on the following learning outcomes.

Shooting: (SLO)


Preparation Touch

Supporting/Planting Foot next close to the ball

Toes Down Pointing to the ground

Heel Up pointing to the sky

Knee Over the Ball

Head down when making contact with the ball

Correct Technique for accuracy

Head up to observe target

Point of contact (laces)

Use the MVP system and pick an MVP at the end of the session.

Players start with 5 MVP points. They will get a point if they do something appropriate to the session or get points off if they do the opposite.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Hungry Hippo Warm Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Hungry Hippo Warm Up
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Hungry Hippo Warm Up Create Video:

Hungry Hippo Warm Up


  • 4 teams 
  • 4 goals 
  • All balls start o the square on the middle of the field 


  • As Coach start one player is allow to run and take a ball from the square and  try to shoot on goal 
  • After player shoot take a shoot on goal Player must comeback to line and  give high five to allow the team mate to take his turn 

Coaching Points


  • Non kicking foot next to the ball 
  • lock the ankle on the kicking foot 
  • body over the ball 
  • look at the target  


Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Prep touch Triangle

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Prep touch Triangle
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Prep touch Triangle Create Video:

Prep touch Triangle


  • 20 x 30
  • 10 x 20 Channels
  • 2 gate of different colors on a big goal 


  • Players will dribble the ball towards the triangle at top speed. Once they are at the triangle they must shoot/finish like Messi/Carli or MBappe/Smith Refer on CPs.After striking, Ball Collector (BC) will collect the ball and back into the line. Player that shoots will turn into BC.
  • Players will play for 2 mins. The player with the most goals win.Progress into team competition.

Coaching Points

Messi/ Lloyd

  • Approach at game speed with head up Preparation touch to one side
  • Strike the ball with the inside part of the foot into opposite side of the goalV shape
  • Rotate hips and drive hips forward
  • Follow through towards target
  • Land on kicking foot


  • Approach at game speed with head up Preparation touch to one side
  • Strike the ball with laces toward the same side Follow through towards target
  • Land on kicking foot

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Shooting

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Shooting
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Shooting Create Video:

1v1 Shooting


  • Setup a field with two halves with goal either side
  • two team
  • ball will be server by the side


  • When coach call that number player enter the field and coach pass the ball
  • Players play 1v1 until someone score



  • If a player misses the goal they must go and fetch their ball whilst the game continues with another ball
  • Once a goal has been scored or time has run out players have to return to their teams an
  • Player can only score by shooting in their own half


Coaching Points


  • Laces
  • Planting non kicking foot next to the ball
  • ankle Locked
  • look at the target
  • body over the ball
  • look for player to shoot quickly ( Encourage players to create shooting opportunities and take shots on goal)
  • Shooting 1(Messi, Heath). Using the outside of the foot to take a touch the opposite side of the goal before using the inside to finish across the goal to the opposite side
  • Shooting 2 (M'bappe, Press). using inside foot opening the hips using the same foot on the same side as the pug your finishing in. egright foot into the right pug
  • Shooting 3(Ronaldo, Morgan) using a feint and quick touch before using the instep to drill the ball low and hard into the corner sameside as the touch







Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 vs 3/ 4 vs 4 Games

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Futsal images.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 vs 3/ 4 vs 4 Games
Save Image: Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 vs 3/ 4 vs 4 Games Create Video:

3 vs 3/ 4 vs 4 Games (15 mins)


1. Area size 18 x 20.

2. 3 v 3

3. 4v4

4. 6 Green and 6 Blue cones




1. Players split up into 4 teams and play a round robin tournament

2. Players must not step in front of goal.


Coaching Points:

3 lines of attack: Defender, Midfielder, Forward

Make stoppages based on topic:

Over the 10 weeks we would like to start to implement basic rules:

Ball is out- playstops (Passing in) , Kick off, Goal kicks, Corner

kicks, Drop ball, Throw ins, Penalty Kicks, Free kicks ( Indirect),

Free kicks (Direct)


Week 2- Kick Off


The game will start on a Kick Off. Make sure the kids play a good number of games to have an emphasis on the rule.


Everytime a team scores a goal we will restart in the middle as a Kick off. In the Kick off, 2 players will go up to the center and 1 of them will roll the ball to its teamate.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button