Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Day 4 11/12 DEFENSE Position Specific Training

Profile Summary

David Norman
Name: David Norman
City: Fresno
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo; 5v1 10 touch 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo; 5v1 10 touch 1v1
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Rondo; 5v1 10 touch 1v1 (10 mins)

5v1 every 10 passes attackers goes 1v1 vs Defender

Group 1: Edgar, Garcia, Pollo, David, AJ, Alonso (Defensive Group, Add Gilmar)

Group 2: Sosa, Cumo, Felipe, Eddie, Pepe (Mildfielder)

Group 3: Del Rio, C Rios, Lamas, Gilmar (Attackets, can swap Del Rio & Pepe)

Injury Reserve:

Erick Rubio (Ankle, back Friday)

Silver (Ankle, TBD)

Johnny (Hamstring, Next Tuesday?)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coordinating Movment and Communication of the back four

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coordinating Movment and Communication of the back four
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Coordinating Movment and Communication of the back four (10 mins)

Players 1 and 2 pass the ball between them. Holding the ball for approximately 10 seconds to allow the defense to set up

Player 3 is the 1st defender

Player 4 is the 2nd defender

As the ball is passes back and fourth players 3 and 4 need to communication and make sure 1 pushed up to ball and the other falls back off the hip to provide support

Players 5-8 move to ball side of their "mark" or pole

after about 30-40 seconds Players 1,2 go to the end of the line, players 3,4 turn into players 1,2 and everyone up steps up.

Focus on quick footwork, defensive positioning


Communication as not all can see the ball and encourage players 3-4 who are working the hardest

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ideal PositioningCenter: Guided Passive Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ideal PositioningCenter: Guided Passive Defending
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Ideal PositioningCenter: Guided Passive Defending (10 mins)

Ideal Zonal Positioning for a Flatback for attacking pressure in the middle of the field

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Guided Passive Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Guided Passive Defending
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Guided Passive Defending (10 mins)

Defenders stay in their cone lanes

The 1st defender (nearest to the ball) pressures the offensive player (passive, do not tackle)

The 2nd defender drops back and should be at a 45* angle behind the 1st defender, this is to prevent a breakaway if the 1st defender is beat

The 3rd defender creeps up to be at a 20* angle behind the 1st defender and in front of the 2nd defender, this is to defend against a through pass behind the defensive line.

The 4th defender pushed up slightly to be able to quickly pressure if the ball is switched and or intercept a pass.

The correct shape when the ball wide should resemble a nike Check.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ideal Positioning Wide: Guided Passive Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ideal Positioning Wide: Guided Passive Defending
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Ideal Positioning Wide: Guided Passive Defending (10 mins)

Ideal Zonal Positioning for a Flatback for attacking pressure from the width

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screening Passes w 2 Goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screening Passes w 2 Goals
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Screening Passes w 2 Goals (10 mins)

Passive Defense (no tackling)

Offensive players start out with just passing and moving in their space without dribbling to a defender.

Offensive goal is to pass the ball back and fourth 5 times and then find an opening to shoot on either goal. (must pass back and fouth 5 times, they are allowed to dribble in their space)

Defensive goal is to work on their defensive shape with passive defense (no tackling)

Defenders should be able to deny an open look at either goal with quick whole group movements.

Defender are to intercept any pass or shot they can get to without going into the attacking zone

**Progression: allow active defense and offensive players are allowed to move into the defensive space**

**Progression: add a 3rd attacker**

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