Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Session 4 : 8v6 Defending!

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Scarlett Herron

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Scarlett Herron
Name: Scarlett Herron
City: Monaghan
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Warmup
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Dynamic Warmup


Squats 10 reps

Bend knees and knee inside and out 10 reps

Sidewards walk 10 reps

Groin open/close x5 each leg

3 monster walks in, 3 monster walks out.

Band around ankles

Straight leg kick back, side and up in front 10 reps

Hamstring straight back leg 10-12

Dynamic Activation 50-60% effort

·       Light Jog x 2

·       Arm Circles skipping

·       Arms alternating skipping

·      High knees

·       Heels

·       Open Gates

·       Close Gates

·       Kick out in front

·       Kick across body

·       Front lunge – body twist

·       Side steps - 2 to the right, 2 to the left- down low

·       Walking calf stretch

.      Walking Quad stretch

Static Stretching 3 mins

·       Players own. Check in with players, confirm numbers. Adjust session to suit

Increase intenstity - 80% effort

·      Run forward 3/4 pace

·      High skips

·       Headers

·     On spot fast feet - sprint straight, right, left, behind to sprint x 1 : wait on call 'go'

15 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession 6v6v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession 6v6v2
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Possession 6v6v2


  • 6 Blues v 6 Reds v 2 Neutrals
  • Neutrals cannot be tackled - can be intercepted
  • Emphasis on keeping possession with the neutrals being heavily involved
  • Neutral players always play with team in possession, both players play inside the area 
  • Team out of possession to press as one unit to win the ball - emphasis on pressing high intensity and defending in units - if successful they now try keep possession with the neutral players, with the Blue team now transitioning to defend


Coaching Points 


3 minutes x 3 with 1 minute in between– maximise intensity levels

T2D AND T2A are key 

High intensity, quality and speed

Can incorporate 2 touch and 1 touch to neutral players

Quality and selection of pass

First touch/Body shape/Back Foot

Angles and Distance of support

Communication and decision making

Transition to Defend – can we win ball back as quickly as possible

Transition to Attack – width and depth as quickly as possible

2 x 4 minutes - 1 minute in between

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending as a Unit

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending as a Unit
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Defending as a Unit

Attackers vs Defenders - Defending as a unit - Build up play


Pitch with goals either end, two gates positioned on halfway line



Teams to be Split up in a 8v6 8 (Attackers) 6 (Defenders)

Attacking team attack both goals whilst in possession, when the defending team win the ball they must look to retain possession and dribble through the gates to score a point.


Coaching Points:

Attacking team to press high up pitch when out of possession and defend gates.

When in possession create as much space as possible - use width 

Move ball quickly

Calm, composed and patient when in possession

Quality and Accuracy of pass is key


2 x 4 minutes - 1 minute in between

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 8v8 Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 8v8 Defending
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Game 8v8 Defending

Method: 8v8 including goalkeepers

Look to include components of the session into the game


Coaching Points:

Emphasis on defending when out of possession

Defensive Shape and press

When in possession create as much space as possible - use width

Move ball quickly

Calm, composed and patient when in possession

Quality and Accuracy of pass is key

  • Transition to Defend – can we win ball back as quickly as possible
  • Transition to Attack – width and depth as quickly as possible

    2 x 8 minutes - 1 minute in between

    Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cooldown

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    Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cooldown
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    Line up all players on goal line. Begin with light jog to following touchline and back.



    Introduce arm/leg movements alternating with light jog.

    Finish with static stretching.

    Aim to reduce heart rate back to resting rate and to stretch muscles to remove lactic acid build-up

    Review the session - Encourage re-hydration and nutrition


    5 minutes

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    Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

    Play animation
    Play step-by-step
    Repeat (toggle)
    Full Screen

    Back/Forward: Drag timeline button