Futsal Session (Junior): Positions of Futsal

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Marcos Palacios

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Marcos Palacios
Name: Marcos Palacios
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Positions in Diamond

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Positions in Diamond
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Positions in Diamond

So, what are the positions in Futsal?

The exact positions depend on what tactic and formation your team is using. Each system may have slightly different roles, and those roles might be known by several names, but generally, they are called the positions below:

Pivot / Target




We’ll work through these with the aid of a couple of examples.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pivot Role

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pivot Role
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Pivot Role

Roles and Characteristics of the Pivot

This player may go by a variety of names, but essentially they’re the main individual that leads the attack. They are always looking to keep the opposition defenders busy, acting as a focal point for the attacking play.

The term ‘pivot’ is often used for this player; that’s certainly how futsal refers to them. That’s because they spend a lot of time receiving the ball with their back to goal, looking to spin or ‘pivot’ around the defender and get a shot off; but the rest of the team also pivots around them as the hold-up play of this player creates space and supplies the passes for teammates who make runs forwards. Although attacking is the pivot’s main focus, they still need to track back and help out the defense when the other team are pressing forward.

You shouldn’t see teams playing with 2 pivots (though you will find that the responsibility will rotate between players on the team). However, it is common to find teams that don’t consider themselves to use a player in this position at all (e.g. in the 2-0-2 formation explained in a later session) but if you have a specialist who can play this role well, it can be extremely effective.

To be a good pivot, you’ll need most of the following attributes:

- Strength on the ball (but that doesn’t mean you need to be big) to protect the ball from the defender

- Quick feet, and trickery to turn past opponents

- Ability to shoot quickly and accurately

- Movement to create space to receive the ball in, and good anticipation to read when a pass is coming.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Winger Role

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Winger Role
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Winger Role

Roles and Characteristics of Wingers.

These players are important components of a good team as they knit together the entire team’s strategy. Whilst the pivot is the focal point of the attack, and the fixo is the focal point of the defense, the wingers are the engine room that powers the whole machine. If they don’t provide enough energy to the team, then neither the pivot or the fixo get enough support to perform effectively.

Their responsibilities are split broadly evenly between attacking and defending (although if you have two midfielders you might make one more attacking and the other more defensive). At times their runs will take them further forward than the pivot, and at others they’ll be even further back than the ‘last man’.

As they are required to perform this dual role, the most effective players in this position have excellent stamina, tactical understanding and the discipline to balance their duties. When a good pairing of these players exists to balance the team, the whole team will feel much more in sync.

To be a good Winger you will need:

-Stamina to continue switching between attack and defense (if you’re the type who needs to rest with their hands on their knees after a couple of runs, this isn’t for you)

-Tactical awareness to know when you should be committing forwards, and when you need to stay back and defend

-Good passing ability, being comfortable to play quick pass-and move football (often just one or two-touch)

-Shooting ability to finish off those forward runs.

-A good all-round game, having the essential skills for both attack and defence.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fixo Role

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fixo Role
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Fixo Role

Roles and Characteristics of Fixo role.

Some refer to this character simply as a ‘defender’ but it’s more than that. The terms ‘fixo’ is a more accurate reflection of this individual’s role and why we use it.

The term ‘fixo’ is a Portuguese term literally meaning ‘fixed’, referring to the fact that this player is usually found at the back. They’re main priority is to be the protector in front of the goalkeeper and deal with the threat of the opposition’s pivot. However, just as the pivot doesn’t just attack, the fixo doesn’t just defend. They’re certainly allowed to roam forward from time-to-time, and the unexpected nature of these attacks can make them very difficult for the opposition to defend against.

Defence, however, is where the majority of their work takes place. They will often be the furthest player back, allowing them to see more of the play than anybody else, ideally placing them to assess the shape of the game (or ‘read the play’) and communicate advice to the other players.

A good fixo will have most of the following characteristics:

- Defensive discipline – you can’t play this position well if you frequently wander off at the mere sniff of an attacking opportunity.

- Strength and/or speed – to deal with the threat of the attacking players

- Ability to read play and anticipate where the danger will come from

- Communication – to get messages across to other players and help organise the team.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Interchanging of roles

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Interchanging of roles
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Interchanging of roles

Interchanging of roles

One of the key concepts in futsal is the interchanging of roles. Notice in our example how the fixo makes a run forward, and players adjust to find our diamond shape again.

A good team will always find spaces and keep a good shape, while making it difficult for opposing teams to track players.

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