Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U10A overlaps

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Am-Club: Fox Football Vietnam

Matt Parris

Profile Summary

Matt Parris
Name: Matt Parris
City: hcmc
Country: Viet Nam
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): overlap warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): overlap warm up
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overlap warm up (10 mins)


Create large area suitable for number of players. 8-12 players 20m x 20m approx.


Balls (1 per pair), cones, discs or poles to mark area.


In pairs, player 1 dribbles around the space and player 2 has to run and create an overlap/underlap and call for the ball to be played "IN FRONT" of them to run onto. The players the swap roles.


No longer working in pairs but all together. Once you have passed to a player who has overlaped/undrlaped you, go and overlap a new player who is dribbling with the ball. The process is repaeated .

Key points:

Communication to release the pass when called for. weight of pass is very important so the overlaper runs onto the ball. Body shape of passer and runner. Runners slightly to the side so they can see to pass and the passer in a good poistion to make an easier pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pattern (runner behind back line)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pattern (runner behind back line)
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Pattern (runner behind back line) (15 mins)

Patterns to goal (#2 / #3 creating overloads with touch central)

1. 1 - 2 plays into 9 who plays "around corner" to 7 in box cross area

2. 2 plays in behind for the 9 in central box area

3. 2 plays 10 who has ran beyound 9 who has checked in to 1/2 space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overlapping Runs & Passing Accuracy

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overlapping Runs & Passing Accuracy
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Overlapping Runs & Passing Accuracy (15 mins)

Objective: Accurate and properly paced passing. Movement to space and switching positions to create passing opportunities.

Set up: Place cones A, B, C as shown with a 5x5 target box in the corner. Work both sides


1. Player A plays to Player B and begins an overlapping run in behind Player B towards the corner.

2. Player B lays off to Player C and begins an attack run in behind Player C and towards goal.

3. Player C plays the ball through the "gate" for Player A to run onto and shifts to position B.

4. Player A on receipt dribbles past gate and passes the ball through "gate" in for Player B who finishes.

Rotation: Player A proceeds to position C and Player B goes to back of position A line.

Coaching points:

a. On toes to be ready to receive pass

b. Proper movement to receive pass

c. Shoulder check

d. Weight and accuracy of pass

e. Pace and position of cross

f. Accuracy over power on finish

g. Timing of runs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overload Overlap Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overload Overlap Game
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Overload Overlap Game (20 mins)


As above. Players are in three teams of 4. One team is nuetral players, two teams play in middle of grid. Grid approx 30x40. Balls near pugg goals


Players play 4v4 + 4 nuetral players on edge of grid. Players get 1 point for a goal and 3 points if they can combine with a nuetral player for a overlap and score off the possession. Players cannot steal the ball from nuetral players. Switch teams every five minutes.

Coaching Points:

1) When to recognize space for the overlap

2) Quickly moving off the pass to beat defender on overlapping run (speed)

3) Defender tight? Overlap. Defender follows run? Fake and dribble


1) Nuetral players only have two touches

2) Nuetral players may join attack, faking the overlap until that team loses possession or the ball goes out of play

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button