Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Building out of the back (Start Time: 17-Feb-2014 22:35h)

Profile Summary

Wade Bradford Bradford
Name: Wade Bradford Bradford
City: Kerrville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling, passing and receiving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling, passing and receiving
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Dribbling, passing and receiving (25 mins)

Purple team is passing and moving, looking to split dribbling players in the middle of the pitch.

On coaches command, players in the middle are to turn the ball and change the pace at which the player is dribbling the ball. After a few minutes, teams switch roles with the red team now passing and the purple team dribbling.

Address all passing and receiving as well as dribbling and turning technics. Encourage the receiving player to take a first touch into the direction that they want to travel.

Coaching Points on passing and receiving:

1. Heal down, toe up

2. Head up

3. Knee slightly bent, push pass with the inside of the foot and follow through

Coaching point on dribbling and turning with the ball:

1. Head up when dribbling

2. Toe pointed towards ground when dribbling at speed

3. Heal down, toe up using the outside part of the foot when turning with the outside


1. different styles of passing and receiving (push pass, outside the foot pass, etc)

2. different ways to dribble and turn the ball

3. players can look to split dribbling players for a point. Can make it a game with the outside passing players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided playing out of the back

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided playing out of the back
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Small sided playing out of the back (15 mins)

playing out of the back

Ball starts with a Gk with even number balls playing to wide back who now looks to connect to the wide mid, who then looks to play a 1-2 with the center mid to unbalance the pressuring defender. Look to exploit the numbers down situation by making the attack creative.

Coaching points

1. angle of support when going forward

2. Combo play to unbalance the defender

3. Width


1. add a third and then a forth defender

2. Combo plays could count as double the points

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Small sided

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Small sided
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Expanded Small sided (15 mins)


Starting with a player taking a shot at GK, GK is now looking to distribute to the wide back who is now looking to connect with the wide mid for a point. Again combo play is strongly recommended and should be rewarded as double. After players are getting the concept, remove cones and make it a full sided game.

Coaching Points

1. Depth in supporting the attack and switching play

2. patience, don't force the ball if the defense is reading what your trying to do

3. Communication

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): End game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): End game
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End game (30 mins)

8v8 to big goals

Emphasize building out of the back and help them to understand pattern play as it pertains to the game.

Coaching points

1. movement off the ball to help support the player with the ball

2. players facing field communicate with players with their backs turned to field when ball is played forward

3. Angle and distance of forward pass

4. accurate passes

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