Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Create the attack to finish the attack (Start Time: 2023-09-20 01:30:00)

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William Lennie
Name: William Lennie
City: Southam
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation
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Activation (15 mins)

  • Eight players are divided into four pairs. Two teams, Red, Blue a on the inside of a smallplaying area, in possession.  The yellow team is working the outside of the box to provide extra players to play from. A fourth pair Blue will start in themiddle, as shown.
  • The coach begins by passing into one of the in possession players. The six outside players should look to keep theball against a press from the two inside players for aslong as possible. They must also ensure it is transferredto the opposite side of the pitch every five seconds.  If not, possession is lost and team inside choses who is in next.   KEY TO KEEP TIME, COUNTDOWN IF NEEDED.
  • The two defenders must attempt to win the ball ordisrupt possession as quickly as possible. If they winit back and have controlled possession, they shouldtry and and score in one of the four mini-goals anexample of this is shown in Diagram 1.
  • If the defenders successfully score in one of themini-goals, they can choose any team of two to becomethe defenders
  • If the ball is intercepted by the two defenders andthe ball goes out of play, the team of two that gavepossession away will become the defenders
  • These changeovers should be done quickly. The coachwill pass a ball into one of the possession team of six assoon as a goal is scored, a pass is intercepted or the ballgoes out of the area. 
  • Each working block lasts for four minutes. 3 blocks - 12 mins ball rolling time.



  • The players must ensure the ball is switched to theopposite half of the pitch within three seconds. Playersshould look to use a maximum of two touches to ensurethis condition is met.
  • Passes must be punched in with good weight anddirection throughout the possession games. This willlimit the chances of any interceptions or losses ofpossession.
  •  The in-possession team must constantly be adjustingtheir positions to ensure a passing option is always onfor the player in possession. This should not be in straight lines if possible.
  •  Players may need to make counter-movements inorder to create a new passing line if one is closed off bythe defenders.

OOP Coaching Points
  • Set Traps
    • Defenders should work ball into tight areas then press with intensity to win ball back
  • Work as a pair
  • Pressing Triggers
    • Press hard on poor first touch, bad body position.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Pattern
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Passing Pattern (15 mins)

  • This is a unit-based passing practice designed forthe front eight in a 4-3-3 formation: two full-backs, amidfield three and a front three. 
  • The practice is played on one half of a full-sized pitch,with six mannequins set up to replicate a back four anda central-midfield two.
  •  The coach gives the the players one passing pattern tocomplete, which ends with a shot on goal. This pattern,including the players’ movement within their shape, isshown in animation 1.
  •  One full-back begins by passing to the other. Theythen play into a dropping wide attacker, who passes inbehind the defensive line of mannequins for the number 8/10 on that side to run on to, as shown. 
  • They then turn back and play into the full-back, whois supporting from behind. The ball is then playedinto the single pivot, who plays across to the far-sidenumber 8/10 in an adapted double pivot. That playerthen plays between the far-side defensive mannequinsfor the far-side winger to run on to and cross for theirteammates to get a shot off on goal. 
  • After the first repetition, the players then complete thepattern on the other side, starting with the oppositefull-back.



  • Players should look to pass the ball with good detail.Weight of pass and accuracy must be at the highestlevel throughout the practice.
  • Attacking players must ensure they time their runsin order to receive the ball in front of them and notbe offside.
  • When making runs and movements to receive, theplayers must be aggressive in their approach. Quickmovements and runs are essential to creating realismwithin the practice.
  • At all times within this passing pattern, there must beat least one player supporting the ball from beneath.This will create opportunities to recycle possession andswitch play.



PRIMARY UNIT - #2, #7, #10

SECONDARY UNIT - #8, #6, #11

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function
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Function (15 mins)

 This is an 11v7 position-specific practice that can also beset up as an 11v8/9 if numbers allow. 

  • The coached team of 11 (red) are set up in a4-3-3 formation. The defending Blue should be in a3-3 (diamond) formation, as shown in the diagram. 
  • Team B are instructed to apply a low to mid-block toreplicate the upcoming opposition. 
  • The ball begins with red goalkeeper. Theyshould attempt to play through and around Blue before getting a shot off on the opposition goal. 
  • Reinforce messages from the previouspractices, and challenge the players to replicatepictures worked on during the first part of the session
  • If Blue wins possession back, they should attempt toscore in the top goal.
  • If a goal is scored or the ball leaves the pitch, playalways restarts with the Red goalkeeper. 
  • Play for three blocks of five minutes. 

  • The midfield three are challenged to move and rotate,to create a double pivot through which to recycle andswitch possession.
  • The team of 11 must be patent in possession. Theyshould recognise when to play forwards and whento control possession to attempt to disrupt theopposition’s block.
  • The coach should encourage the front three to stretchthe pitch when possible. This will create wide passingoptions for the central players, but also create space inthe middle of the pitch for the team to exploit.
  • Players should be challenged to take a soft first touch,to allow them to make their pass quickly and with goodquality. This touch should be out of their feet to allowthem to step on to the ball.
  • If a quick switch is played through central areas,the team should be able to attack the opponents’weak side. 
  • The weak side will have space and gaps for the team toexploit if the switch is made with good ball speed.

  • In controlled possession, the team should recognisewhere the opposition are strong. 
  • The opposition formation in this practice gives themnumbers in the middle of the pitch, so the attackingteam should look to penetrate through wide areas first –or centrally, if gaps are created by moving the ball wide.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Wave

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Wave
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2v2 Wave (15 mins)

This is a 2v2 wave game set up with two groups of sixand one group of four.

  •  The two groups of six – Red and Blue  – will playin a series of 2v2s in the central area. The group of four(Green) is split into pairs and will play with a coach inwide combinations on either side of the pitch. 
  •  The practice begins with a coach initiating a passingcombination with the two players on their side to createa crossing chance into the 2v2. This combination isshown in the animation. The first two Red attackers will make runs from theirown half to attack to cross. 
  •  The first two Blue defenders will attempt to defendthe cross. 
  • An example of the first attack can be seen in theanimation. 
  •  If Team B or their goalkeeper get control of the ball,they can counter-attack to the other goal – but theymust get a shot away within five seconds. 
  • Once a goal is scored or the ball leaves the pitch, thesame four players will swap roles in anticipation of thecoach and the other two players on the other side ofthe pitch combining. 
  • The practice than goes the other way, with Blue nowoperating as the attackers. 
  • Once two attacks have been completed – one on eitherside – two new central players from each team will enterthe pitch and the practice will repeat.


  • The player delivering the cross should recognise whattype of cross needs to be delivered, depending on theattackers’ runs into the box. Cut-backs or stand-up ballsare examples of crosses that can be used.


  • When attacking the box, runs should be timed inaccordance with when the cross is delivered. Attackersshould be challenged to time their runs in order to meetthe ball on the move.


  • Players are encouraged to finishing quickly, ideally usingone touch, to ensure the defenders do not have time toget set and balanced.


  • Once an attack has finished, the two attackers must beready to defend the next cross or even a counter-attack.

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