Alexander Richards
Name: | Alexander Richards |
City: | Dudley |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Practice 2
Organisation - The Players are in pairs opposite each other with gate in front of them and their aim is to pass the ball through the gate successfully to the other player.
Area - 30x20
Time -10am - 12pm
Players - 12
Equipment - Football, Bibs, Cones
Key Coaching points - Non kicking foot in line with the ball, Kicking football to follow through with the ball, get in line with the ball to receive it, know what part of your foot your going to receive it with.
Conditions - balls had to be pass through the gates
Progressions - Gates got smaller to make it more difficult
Progressions - small tournament to make it competitive.
Notes - Players did well to challenge themselves when making the gates smaller and also the mini tournament which was fun for the kids and they enjoyed it.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Practice 3
Organisation - Small sided game with the players, with different rules being set so its focusing on passing.
Area - Ellowes Schools
Time -10am - 12pm
Players - 12
Equipment - Football, Bibs, Cones
Key Coaching points - Non kicking foot in line with the ball, Kicking football to follow through with the ball, get in line with the ball to receive it, know what part of your foot your going to receive it with.
Conditions - Players had to make a minimum of 5 passes before they could shoot.
Progressions - stopping the game with players because some passes was the wrong decisions by going for the difficult pass than the much easier.
Notes - feel that the player too the session well from the technical practise into the game, and we got some goals when they made the minimum of 5 passes.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Description: What happened was 12 players working on short and long passing and receiving drill. key coaching points was, Non kicking foot in line with the ball, Kicking football to follow through with the ball, get in line with the ball to receive it, know what part of your foot your going to receive it with.
Feelings: was feeling quiet confident before the we started the session and knowing I was going to conduct a positive session.
Evaluation: What was good about the experience is that I had given good key factors for the player to take away and learn. Bad about the session is sometimes I could of step in and coached but didn't.
Analysis: Some of my thoughts about it was I felt confident going to do well and doing so my manor to the players was good throughout the session and organised the area of the drill well.
Conclusion: What i have could of done better in the session was trying to add more different types of passes instead of talking more about the receiving skills.
Action Plan: If i was to do this session again how i could maintain the positive aspect is trying to move the kids round more because I kept them in static position half the time. the reduce the limitations Is I could of been quicker with my key points explanations.
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Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Screen 1 (10 mins)
Practice 1
Organisation - Players dribble half way with the ball and pass to the player, the players receives it and the player who just passed it backtracks to his original cone.
Area - 30x20
Time - 10am - 12pm
Players - 12
Equipment - Footballs, Bibs, Cones
Key Coaching Points - Non kicking foot in line with the ball, Kicking football to follow through with the ball, get in line with the ball to receive it, know what part of your foot your going to receive it with.
Target/goals - Players able to pass and receive the ball through gates with a target the players set themselves to achieve with how many times they can pass through the gate in a set time of 1 minute.
Conditions - player could only receive the ball when they called for it.
Progressions - The distance between the pairs got bigger
Progressions - Using verbal and non-verbal actions when receiving the ball.
Notes - Players achieved this task well with not many passes was unsuccessful and more balls went through the gates than it hitting the cones.