Craig Sommerville
Name: | Craig Sommerville |
City: | Chester |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Setup & Description (60 mins)
Basic Concept:
- 8 v 4
- 3 teams (even numbers if possible).
- Endzone teams are in possession - objective is to keep the ball in their zone or transfer possession across to their opposite endzone team without losing possession to the central team.
- The central team starts out of possession and must attempt to regain possession by tackling, forcing a mistake or making interceptions.
- When possession is regained/lost, the central team and the team who lost possession swap zones.
- The game restarts.
Basic Conditions:
- Unlimited touches
- The Endzone teams are in possession but locked-in to their zones
- The Central team is out of possession - 1 player can press the ball
Progressions & Challenges:
Alter number of players who can press
- Increases realism
- Increases the difficulty to retain possession.
- Increases the difficulty & importance of covering behind the press.
Alter number of touches allowed by team/s or player/s in possession
- Increases the difficulty
- Increases the importance of adopting good body shape early
- Increases the importance of quick thinking and movement
Introduce a minimum or maximum number of passes to be made before a transfer can be attempted.
- Increases the importance of making good decisions on the ball.
- Increases the need to be composed on the ball
Vary the objective:
- Transfer over-the-top
- Transfer in one touch
- Transfer by stepping out with the ball when space permits
Combination Play & Finishing:
When a player successfully steps out with the ball and transfers the ball to the opposite endzone
- Can they combine with a player in that zone then finish in the net?
Coaching Points:
In Possession
Be prepared for your next action
- Get your body shape right
- Be ready on your toes
- Check your shoulders, paint a picture
Focus on your first touch
- use it to setup your next touch
Be available
- Quick movements
- Disguised movements
- Timed movements
- Communicate
Pass with purpose and thought
- Go with or against the flow?
- Play quickly or wait and draw defenders in?
- Disguise the pass
- Feet or Space?
Out of Possession:
Closest player/s presses
- 1st player presses ball
- 2nd player prepares to press the likely next pass
- Time your press - stand off to encourage the pass then pounce!
- Press quickly - be ready to put the brakes on - don't dive in.
- Eyes on the ball
- Side on body shape
- Low centre of gravity
- Use your arms for balance, to increase your size and to communicate with your teammates
Press with purpose
- Arc your run towards the ball to cut off possible passes
- Force mistakes
- Exploit mistakes
- Be aggressive
Remaining players cover
- Predict the direction of play to position yourself to intercept attempted transfer passes AND close down any breakouts.
Stepping Out
When & Where
- There's space available in front of you either between or to the outside of the opponents
- Do you have enough time to transfer across without being stopped/closed down? If no, find a pass.
- Quickly, be direct.
- Take a big touch towards the space, get the ball out of your feet
End Product
- who can you combine with?
- Don't stop now! Keep going!