Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Coaches Corner - Shooting

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Bobby Warner ODP
Name: Bobby Warner ODP
City: Aurora
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Game
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Fun Game (10 mins)


1. Seperate players into 3 teams depending on number

2. 1 cone on zone 1 side and 3 cones on zone 2 side

3. Cones should be 15 yards across from each other and 1 yard apart

4. Zone 2 cones have balls on top.


1. The players in zone 1 have to try to knock off the balls on the cones in zone 2.

2. The players in zone 1 must shoot behind the cone and not in front of the cone

3. The players in zone 2 send the balls back to their teammets.

4. The team that hit all the balls first win and get 3 points

5. Switch players rolls between zone 1 and zone 2

Coaching Points:

1. Shooting technique

2. Lock ankle, point toe down, knee over ball

3. Focus on body positioning


P: the players in zone 1 can use the players in zone 2 as a wall but the players in zone 2 can knock out the balls on the cones with 1 touch. if they do that they get 2 points.

P: increase the distnce between the cones

R: decrese the distance

R: the players in zone 1 can do 1 touch extra touch forward to cone 1

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 1
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Core Activity 1 (10 mins)


1. 10 x 15 Grid

2. All players have a ball


1. In Grid A coach sits and demonstrates proper ball striking technics.

2. Sitting on your bottom, holding the ball in both hands, lifting your right/left leg to strike the ball with your laces and locking your ankle for power.

3. Players will attempt to kick and catch the ball 5 - 10 times with both feet.

4. In Grid B player pair up with a teammate

5. 1 teammate tosses the ball to a player sitting on the groound

6. The player sitting on their bottom lifts their leg to strike the ball back to their teamate to catch it.

Coaching Points:

1. Eye contact with the ball

2. Ankle locked

3. Toe pointed forward

4. Timing of the ball being tossed to player on the ground

5. Accuracy and contact with the ball.

6. Soft touch

7. Use both feet left and right


1. Make it a game (Grid B) where the first team to catch the ball from their teammate on the ground "X" amount of times wins.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 2
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Core Activity 2 (10 mins)


1. 20 x 30 Grid

2. 3 goals

4. 3 tall cones, 9 small cones

5. Seperate players into 3 teams


1. Shooting player starts in shooting gate ready to receive ball

2. Once the shooting player receives the ball they have 2 touches to control then shoot

3. The shooting player must stay behind cone A to count as 3 points. If the player shots after cone A they receive 1 point. If they shot and hit the cone inside the goal they get 0 points.

4. After the player shoots they will go to the end of the line behind the goal.

Coaching Points:

1. Use both feet right/left

2. Use proper shoting technic - lock ankle, toe down, knee over ball

3. Placement vs Power


1. Players cannot take controlling touch and must shoot 1st time and if they score from zone A get 3 points.

2. Add a defender that put semi pressure.


1. Decrease the distance

2. Take off the cones.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 3
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Core Activity 3 (10 mins)


1. 25 x 35 Grid

2. Seperate players into 3 teams

3. Row of cones 6 -10 yards from goal

4. Coaches can be keepers


1. Teams play in middle grid to score on goals on their end

2. 2 points for scoring from behind the line

3. Play for an allocated time and winners stay on.

Coaching Points:

1. Tempo of game (play quick)

2. Encourage rapid shooting

3. Body Positioning


1. 3 points for scoring from behind the line 1st touch.

2. 1st score wins

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (15 mins)


1. 20 x 30 Grid

2. Sperate players into 2 teams

3. 2 Goals on each end of the field

4. Coach has extra balls


1. Scrimmage

2. If ball goes out of boundscoach plays another back in to continue game.

3. Have Fun!

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