Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Senior Academy Session March 3rd

Profile Summary

Ian McClurg
Name: Ian McClurg
City: Hamilton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Learning Objectives

Quality passing - pace/accuracy/timing
Create space with intelliegent movements
Execute movements at high tempo
Positive - try new solutions to problems
Encourage team mates to achieve high standards

Warm-Up (30 mins)


Players divided into 3 teams

2 teams in possession v 1 defensive team (possession game)

Team that loses possession becomes defending team

Progress to: Play with right foot only-when in possession and then left foot only (when in possession)


Two teams in possession should make the field big, as soon as possession won

Change tempo of play (slow/fast) depending on game situations

Decisions on which side of players to pass to

Defensive team - when to press and when to drop

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery in Air

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery in Air
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Correct body positioning - open body
Technical Tactical
Read body shape of team mate passing to - where do they want the ball
Technical Physical
On toes-good agility to react quickly
Technical Psychological
Good focus maintained
Technical Social
Work with team mates to chalenge each other

Ball Mastery in Air (20 mins)


Continuation of two teams v one team

Teams in possession can play with 1 bounce and retain possession

Defending teams cannot tackle but can intercept the ball in air


Open body up when receiving

Good contact on ball

Good movement off the ball


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Quality passing - pace/accuracy/correct side of receiving player
Technical Tactical
Corect positiong to create good passing angles/be creative in combinations
Technical Physical
Corect body postioning on receiving
Technical Psychological
Effective decision-making
Technical Social
Encourage group to reach high technical standards

Passing and Receiving (20 mins)


Players divided into 3 equals teams

Blue team must complete 4 passes before can play ball through (on ground) middle zone to team on opposite side

Red team in middle attempt to intercept

Black team then take 4 passes before attempt to play a pass through central players to players at opposite end

If team in central zone intercept the ball, team that gave up possession becomes intercepting team in middle zone

Progress to 1 player from central zone being able to move into zone when ball being passed in order to win possession

Progress to team from one end zone being able to overlap around central zone and move into opposite zone and attack to score (2 points for goal)

Make it competetive for teams - 1 point for playing ball through central area successfully and 2 points for overlapping and scoring a goal in opposite end zone


Quality of passing - accuracy/pace/timing

Movement off the ball for support

When in possession- body shape facing that direction and look over to get frequent "pictures"

Final pass through central area played quickly and at pace

Decision making

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Games
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Good passing and finishing technique
Technical Tactical
Decsion-making: Take risks to score or retain possession (5 passes) for a goal.
Technical Physical
Good movement off the ball
Technical Psychological
Positive on ball - good decison-making: Retain possession or attack quickly
Technical Social
Communicate with team mates on what seeing on field and how best to reach the highest performance possible

Small-Sided Games (20 mins)


- 6 v6

-Can score goal but also get a goal for every time achieve 5 consecutive passes

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