Name: | Fabrice Gautrat |
City: | Chicago |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Warm-up: Peeling off Passive Defender cont.
Progress the warm up session by giving defender 4 a third option: to follow attacker 3 after the ball is played to his/her feet by player 2. In other words, the three options are: stay put, follow the attacker early, or follow the attacker late as ball is traveling to him/her. Ask defender 4 to vary his/her reaction randomly between the three options. Whenever defender 4 follows the attacker with a late run, attacker 3 plays the ball back to player 2 who plays it through behind defender 4 as shown in the diagram above on the left.
Another progression is shown above on the right. This time the sequence starts from the opposite side and attacker 3 peels off at an angle as ball is traveling from player 1 to 2. Peeling off at an angle is necessary here to prevent defender 4 from intercepting the pass. It also makes it difficult for defender 4 to see both the ball and attacker 3 when attacker 3 peels away from the ball. As before, defender 4 will have the three options: stay put, follow early, or follow late. Player 2 will pass the ball to attacker 3’s feet or to space, depending on the reaction of defender 4.
Variations include adding a goal and a keeper beyond player 5. Now, player 5 will also peel off from an imaginary defender (a cone) and receive the ball facing up and shoot on goal. Attacker 5 will peel off towards the opposite side of attacker 3 on the blind side of the imaginary defender.
Also, attacker 2 can be instructed to peel off a cone at different angles and coach attacker 3 to peel off in opposite direction so as to be on the blind side of defender 4.
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Warm-up: Peeling Off and Bending Runs
Groups of 8-10. Grid size 8 yards wide by 10-15 long. Distance from player 1 to 2 around 10-15 yds. Player 1 starts with a dribbling touch forward which is the cue for player 2 to make a peeling off run as shown in the diagram on the left above. As soon as player 2 gets wide with his/her body sideways on, player 1 passes the ball to him/her. Player 2 controls the ball forward with his/her first touch using his/her front foot and dribbles to the other end of the grid and passes to the first in line and goes to the back of the line. Both ends are going at the same time in a clockwise direction. Switch to counter clockwise direction after a while.
The progressions are shown on the diagram on the right. The top half shows the first progression, where player 2 makes a bending run for a through ball. The bottom half shows the second progression, where the two players do a combination of in-to-feet, back-and-through into a bending run.
This is another non-functional activity that is included since it is conducive for working on the principles of Peeling off and Bending runs.
Key coaching points: time runs to stay onside (cones are ‘last defender’). Open body to see forward and look over shoulder before getting ball. Peel off far enough away from cone to receive a pass to feet that cone ‘defender’ cannot intercept.
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Warm-up 3: Peeling Off and Diagonal Balls
Groups of 8 to 16 players per grid. Half the players in the grid with a ball each and half the players outside the grid, as shown. Players in the grid dribble ball and combine with outside players in three variations:
Variation A: inside player pass to outside and quickly peel off and open body to receive a return pass.
Variation B: inside player pass to outside and makes a bending run and receives a pass to space.
Variation C: wall pass. Inside player pass to outside and peels off. Outside player plays a first time pass and runs inside to receive the return wall pass. Inside player takes the spot on the outside.
Progress by asking the players to decide for themselves which variation to do, using communication and visual cues. They should vary their plays between the three options.
Progress by placing the balls with the outside players. Now the inside players peel off and open their body to receive passes from the outside and they pass the ball to an outside player on the opposite side and then look for another pass from a different outside player to repeat sequence. All passes should be diagonal.
This is another generic activity that is ideal for teaching peeling off and bending runs while the players warm up and work on their passing and receiving technique.
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Warm-up: Two Player Combination and Peeling Off
A. In the left grid, we use two balls, one at each end line. Inside players starting positions in the middle and at the same time they both peel off to the side and receive a pass, control it with first touch and play it to the opposite end line with second touch and return to the middle of the gird facing a new end line.
B. In the middle grid, use two balls, one at each end line. Again, the two inside players start in the middle and peel off and play an ‘in-back-through’ passing combination with the end line players and play it to the other end line and return to the middle to start again facing the new end line.
C. Progress to playing 2v1 to target in the grid, as shown in diagram below. It’s actually 1v1 inside the grid plus using the end line player as support to make it 2v1. The end line player cannot enter grid and is used for possession support and for playing through balls. Each inside player defends one end line and attacks the other end line and scores by passing the ball to the end line target. Only inside player can score.
All the passing combination and peeling off movement practiced in the warm up variations above should now come in handy to beat the defender in the grid.
In the diagram above, the red attacker combines with his end line player to get behind defender and score by playing to the target at the other end. Now the roles are reversed and the red player defends and the white player is attacking towards the other target. Give the inside players 3-5 seconds to catch their breath and get into new positions to transition going the other way.
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Peeling Off & Combination Play:
Set groups of 10.
A. In the diagram above on the left, player 2 peels off and receives a pass from player 1. Player 2 passes to player 3. Player 3 dribbles to back of line 1. Everyone follows their pass. Both ends go at the same time. Crisp passes to feet. Player 2 uses first touch to control and second touch to pass. Distance between player 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3 is approx. 15-20 yards.
B. Diagram on the right shows progressions. The top half shows the next progression where player 2 follows pass to combine with player 3 and player 3 dribbles to the back of the other end.
C.The bottom half shows another progression where players 1 and 2 combine and then players 2 and 3 combine.
Coaching points: crisp quick passes; one touch passes when doing combinations in the progressions on the right; players 2 and 3 peel off before receiving the ball.
This is another activity that is not functional but very useful at ingraining the Peeling off movement.
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Warm-up: Peeling off Passive Defender (20 mins)
Warm-up: Peeling off Passive Defender
In the example of a warm up below, divide the squad into groups of 6-7 players and arrange each group as shown. Distance between points 1, 2, and 3 is 10-15 yards and between 3 and 5 is 20-25 yards. Player 1 passes to 2 and takes 2’s place. As the ball travels to player 2, attacker 3 peels off defender 4 to either side as shown below. Defender 4 is instructed to be a passive defender, but must do either one of the following: defender 4 either stays put or follows player 3. If the defender stays put, then player 2 passes to attacker 3’s feet. If the defender follows the attacker, then player 2 passes into space behind the defender for attacker 3 to chase (these outcomes are shown below). Attacker 3 passes to player 5 and takes his/her place. Player 5 dribbles to starting point 1. Player 2, after making a pass, becomes defender 4 and defender 4 becomes attacker 3.
Remember to keep the defender 4 passive. He shouldn’t try to intercept or tackle the ball. This is the warm up stage and the aim is to teach the mechanics of peeling off and its related decisions on the ball.
Although this is not a functional activity, it is ideal for teaching the principle of Peeling off and opening body to receive the ball facing up, hence meeting the criteria set above for qualifying an activity.
Key coaching points: Crisp accurate passing. Attacker 3 should open body and 'peak' towards player 5 before receiving the ball. Attacker 3’s first touch should take him forward. Attacker 3 should stay on-side in relation to defender 4 when he peels off. If pass is into space as shown in diagram on the right, attacker 3 should delay his run until pass is made to avoid running off-side and his run should be on the outside of defender, not on the inside.