Jaxson Johnston
Name: | Jaxson Johnston |
City: | Swansea |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Key Factors
Wave game to support exploting overloads in attacking areas. Focus to be on creative runs without the ball to create attacking space, the speed of attack, and decision-making both on and off the ball.
5 v 4 game (with keeper at each end). Bibbed into teams. 40 x 30m pitch with goal at either end.
Start with 1 (red) on 1 with the goalkeeper. Once attempt is made the red attacker immediately becomes defender of his own goal against 2 blue attackers. This cycle is repeated with attackers and defenders rotating through 2 v 1, 3 v 2, 4 v 3, 5 v 4
Coach red team and encourage them make under and overlaps, to change lanes in attacking movements, and to move ball and make decisions quickly.
Challenge reds to create chance within eight seconds to put pressure on their play and to simulate match conditions of defending players making recovery runs to close down overlaps.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Key Factors
Small sided ga,me, 5v5 outfield players and two GKs. Focus on exploiting extra player in transition from defence to attack.
40mx30m pitch with a cone placed 10m behind each goal. Extra balls placed at each goal for fast feed in. After each shot or goal scored the attacking players sprints to the nearest cone. This gives the opposition a 5v4 outfield advantage to quickly exploit overload with a fast ball and transition into attack.
Conditions / challenges / targets
Start with no conditions then introduce condition of sprinting to cone after each shot / goal.
Challenge keeper to move ball from restart within three seconds. Keepers must keep ball on the ground.
Target: first team to score three goals.
Regression: remove one player from each team and place as common players on either eide of the pitch to create more opportunities for overloads.
Key technical / tactical points
Fast ball speed, creative movement off the ball, and supporting player with the ball to create and exploit overload.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Overload to move through central zone
Key Factors
Creating and exploting overloads.
Within a 40m x 30m pitch, split area into thirds. 5 reds (attackers) v 4 blues (defenders). Aim is for reds to exploit overload in either end zone in order for one player to be able to carry the ball into the next zone. Cycle repeats until blues win the ball back.
Reds score a point by successfully moving the ball from one end zone, through the central zone (where they can't be opposed) and to the other end zone. Blues score a point by winning the ball and successfully passing to a Blue player at the opposite end. If Blues score play restarts with Reds in possession.
Challenge Reds to score ten points to win. Blues to score five to win.
Start with allowing Reds to make as many or as few passes in end zone before attempting to move ball through central zone. Add challenge of a minimum of three passes.
Key technical / tactical points
Coaching the Red (attacking) team only. Focus on fast ball speed to exploit extra player and creative movement off the ball to create space.